Professor TAKEGAWA Kaoru and his research group have developed a method to dramatically improve the efficiency of selecting superior sake yeast strains using metabolome analysis
Professor YASUO Shinobu and her research group have discovered that the circadian clocks in female mice are more vulnerable to chronic jet lag than those in male mice.
Prof. KITAOKA and his research group have successfully achieved the direct activation of human immune cells by controlling the interfacial structures of crab nanofibers.
Professor TATSUMI Ryuichi and his research group have developed an antibody to combat age-related muscle atrophy
Professor KAKUTA Yoshimitsu and Assistant Professor TERAMOTO Takamasa, along with their research group, have elucidated the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme GfsA.
Associate professor TSE William Ka Fai and his research group use zebrafish as the rare disease model
Associate Professor TASHIRO Yukihiro and his research group have isolated bacteria from human scalp hair (hair bacteria) and discovered their unique carbon-utilizing properties.
Associate Professor FUJITA Ryosuke and his research group have discovered that blowflies are carriers of bird flu virus.
Prof. KITAOKA and his research group have successfully achieved the controlled culture of human stem cells using only plant nanomaterials, without any animal sources.
Prof. MIYAMOTO and his research group have revealed a new regulatory mechanism involved in human implantation.