Research Themes
Bioresource Sciences
Agrobiological Sciences
Research Field | Position | Name | Research Interests |
Plant Breeding | Professor | YASUI Hideshi | "Genetics of host plant resistance to the planthoppers and the leafhoppers in rice" "Genetic study of tolerance to salinity stress in rice" "Genetic study of monosomic aliean addtion lines derived from a cross between Oryza sativa and distantly related species in Genus Oryza" "Studies on genetics and plant breeding in several traits such as morphological and physiological traits in rice" "Development of experimental materials and their utilization for genetics and plant breeding" "Cytological and cytogenetical study of anueploids in rice" |
Associate Professor |
YAMAGATA Yoshiyuki | "Functional analysis of genes controlling pollen formation using abnormal pollen development in rice" "Elucidation and utilization of genetic diversity of local rice varieties in Myanmar" "Study of F1 pollen sterility observed in interspecific hybrids of genus Oryza. Elucidation of the genetic basis for the evolution of reproductive isolation in the genus Rice" |
Crop Science | Professor | ISHIBASHI Yushi | "Environmental stress responses in crops" |
Assistant Professor |
SURIYASAK CHETPHILIN | "Effect of High Temperature Ripened Seeds on the Growth of the Next Generation in Rice" | |
Plant Production Physiology |
Professor | AGARIE Sakae | "Salinity Tolerance Mechanisms in Halophytes" "Environmental Induction of Photosynthetic Conversion Mechanisms" "Functional Genomic Analysis of Resource Plants" "Environmental Remediation Using Plants" "Cultivation of Edible Wild Plants" "CO2Concentration Mechanisms in Plants" "Modification of Photosynthesis in C3 Plants" |
Associate Professor |
SAITOU Kazuyuki | "Epigenetic regulation of photosynthesis-related genes in response to nitrogen levels in rice" "Genome editing for the production of rice adapted to low nitrogen environments" |
Plant Pathology | Professor | FURUYA Naruto | "Development of the control of bacterial wilt to maintain ginger production fields" "Diagnosis of new bacterial diseases and detection of the pathogens in shouthern part of Japan" "Characterization of Endophytic Bacteria and Their Potential as Biological Control Agent" "Resistance gene of bacterial blight of rice" "Analysis of phyllosphere bacteriology" "Establishment of biological control method for alien intractable superweeds" "Biological control of plant pathogenic bacterial diseases" |
Associate Professor |
IIYAMA Kazuhiro | "Genome comparative study of plant pathogenic bacteria" "Research on host-range determination mechanism and evolution in pathogenicity of Ralstonia solanacearum species complex, pathogens of bacterial wilt" "Research on biological control of bacterial diseases of hard-to-control" "Research on the detection and diagnosis of plant pathogens" |
Horticultural Science | Professor | OZAKI Yukio | "Studies on rhizome coloration in lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)" "Studies on genetics and breeding in asparagus" "Phylogeny and breeding in Camellia species" "Studies on genetics and breeding in kakrol (Momordica dioica)" "Studies on rhizome enlargement in lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)" |
Assistant Professor |
MIZUNOE Yuki | "Studies on seedless fruit and efficient breeding methods in Citrus" "Studies on self-incompatibility and polyploid breeding in Prunus" "Studies on self-incompatibility and polyploid breeding in Capsicum" "Studies on breeding and genetic diversity in Wisteria" "tudies on phylogenetic classification and floral pigment in Camellia" "Studies on double flower and leaf variegation in Cyclamen" "Studies on propagation and ecology in Lilium" |
Zoology | Associate Professor |
IWAMORI Naoki | "Validation and dissection of stem cell ability in spiny mouse (Acomys cahirinus)" "Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells and in vitro derivation of germ cells from non-rodent mammals to apply for rare animals" "The role of histone demethylases on sex chromosome in the sex determination" "The study of epigenetic regulation during neural differentiation" "Epigenetic regulation of germ cell development and differentiation" |
Insect Genome Science |
Professor | KUSAKABE Takahiro | "Analysis of DNA damage and homologous recombination repair in insect cells" |
Associate Professor |
MON Hiroaki | "Functional identification of uncharacterized genes in the silkworm" "Analysis of silkworm holocentric chromosomes" |
Entomology | Associate Professor |
MITA Toshiharu | "Diversity of Chrysidoidea" |
Insect Pathology and Microbial Control |
Professor | YASUNAGA-AOKI Chisa | "Studies on biological characteristics of entomopathogenic microsporidians" "Studies of entomopathogenic protozoan parasites" "Studies of insect cell cultures" |
Assistant Professor |
NISHI Oumi | "Taxonomy and ecology of entomopathogenic fungi" | |
Insect Natural Enemies |
Professor | TUDA Midori | "Insect pest control with nanopesticides" "Gender and species classification of insects in random position by machine learning" "Ecological factors and gene expression of host-shifting insects" "Evolutionary mechanism of intrapopulation polymorphism" "Effect of genetic diversity on the persistence of plant-herbivore-parasitoid systems" "Effect of global warming and CO2 increase on host-parasitoid systems" "Factors determining the diversity of bean-bean beetles-parasitoid systems" "Effect of genetic diversity and host plants on pests and their natural enemy populations" "Detection of nonlinear mechanism from population dynamics data" |
Associate Professor |
UENO Takatoshi | "Biological control with insect natural enemies" "Manipulation of reproduction and behavior of beneficial insect natural enemies" "Behavioral ecology and life history evolution in parasitoid wasps" |
Bioresources and Management |
Professor | TAKASU Keiji | "Ecology and biological control of invasive insect pests" "Insects associated with tropical plants" |
Assistant Professor |
TAKANO Shunichiro | "The mechanisms underlying how exotic species become invasive pests-through the steps of introduction, establishment, spread, and outbreak, and the effects of invasive species on agro- and natural-ecosystems" "Improvement of plant quarantine system to prevent introduction of exotic species and development of biological control programs for invasive pests" |
Agroecology | Professor | ANAI Toyoaki | "Development of novel mutant genes for improvement of seed quality and the other agronomic traits" |
Associate Professor |
SAKAI Kaori | "Studies on genetics and breeding in fruit trees" | |
Assistant Professor |
ABIKO Tomomi | "Study on advanced utilization of paddy fields with the irrigation system 'FOEAS'" "Adaptation and avoidance of waterlogging damage of crops,rice,soybean,barley,Taro" "Morphology and function of aleurone layers in rice grain" "An Approach to Fertile Farmland in Kyushu University Farm at Ito Campus" "Development of soybean production in Ito rea in Fukuoka" "Evaluation of roots related to nitrogen absorption and assmilation " |
Assistant Professor |
HIRATA Sho | "Vegetable and Ornamental Horticulture" | |
Creative Science for Insect Industries |
Assistant Professor |
MASUDA Akitsu | "Research on highly efficient production of recombinant proteins using baculoviruses" "Study on high value-added and novel functional addition of proteins produced in insect factories" |
Sanitary Entomology | Associate Professor |
FUJITA Ryosuke | "Analysis of viruses carried by medical insects" |
Insect DX | Professor | KAMITANI Satoshi | "Simulation about the distributional expansion of insect pest and their natural enemies" "Phylogenetic systematics, ecology, and biodiversity of hemipteran insects" "Mass rearing of edible insects using sustainable resources" "Smart Trap for insect pest using deep learning" |
Assistant Professor |
YAGI Sadahisa | "Biodiversity of microlepidoptera, especially leaf-mining moth" | |
Insect Food Science | Professor | LEE JAEMAN | "Analysis and modification of protein glycosylation in an insect cell expression system" "Study on high efficient recombinant protein production using baculovirus" "Construction of vector system for lepidopteran gene functional analysis" |
Animal and Marine Biosciences
Research Field | Position | Name | Research Interests |
Functional Anatomy | Professor | HOSAKA Yoshinao | "Effects of hormones and glycosaminoglycans on locomotive organ morphogenesis and functional expression" |
Associate Professor |
NISHIMURA Shotaro | "The influence of sex steroid hormone in the collagen fiber synthesis in the chicken skeletal muscle" "The function of the folliculo-stellate cells in the chicken adenohypophysis" "The effect of sex hormone on the collagen synthesis in the chicken skin" "Function and morphology of the cytokeratin-immunoreactive cells in the chicken pituitary gland" "Three-dimensional architecture of the collagen fiber network in the liber tissue of domestic animals" "The morphogenesis of the collagen network in the adenohypophysis of domestic animals" "The distribution of the melanocytes in the Silky fowl" "Embryogenesis of the adenohypophyseal endocrine cells" |
Animal Reproductive Physiology |
Professor | MIYAMOTO Kei | "Molecular mechanisms of totipotency by focusing on nuclear structures and the development of new animal reproductive technologies" "Research on rejuvenation using reprograming technologies" "Development of a method for predicting the developmental potential of fertilized eggs and its application to infertility treatment and animal breeding" |
Associate Professor |
YAMAUCHI Nobuhiko | "Analysis of the function of implantation specific genes using RNAi" "Development of in vitro implantation model using the endometrial spheroid" "Expression of rat uterine serine proteinases homologous to mouse implantation serine proteinase 2" "Development of endometrial spheroid using tissue engineering technique" |
Muscle & Meat Sciences |
Professor | TATSUMI Ryuichi | "Molecular mechanisms for satellite cell activation entry into the cell cycle" "Molecular mechanisms for satellite cell quiescence" "Possible Changes in Muscle Fiber Types by Functional Food Ingredients" "New role of muscle satellite cells: implication in regenerative motoneuritogenesis" |
Associate Professor |
SUZUKI Takahiro | "The study of the mechanisms about the autonomous myofiber type determination by myogenic stem cells" "The search study about myogenic stem cell population which can promote muscular hypertrophy efficiently in adult animals and muscle sites" "The novel platform for the autonomous regulatory system of muscular hypertrophy by multi-functional modulators synthesized in myogenic stem cells" |
Regulation in Metabolism and Behavior |
Professor | YASUO Shinobu | "Studies on cyclic environment and stress physiology" "Mechanisms controlling photoperiodic responses in metabolism and mood" "Chrononutritional studies on the circadian disruption: approach using chronic jet lag mice" |
Associate Professor |
IKEGAMI Keisuke | "Molecular mechanisms of photoperiodic time-measurement in seasonal reproduction in vertebrates" "Regulatory mechanisms of pineal gland on circadian physiological functions" "Regulatory mechanisms of pineal humoral factors on mood in mice" "Understanding of molecular mechanisms on circadian intraocular pressure rhythm for glaucoma chronotherapy" "Mechanisms of lifestyle on glaucoma development" "Understanding of Glaucoma by data science " |
Associate Professor |
MORI Fumito | "Synchronization and fluctuation of biological rhythms" "Metronome synchronization experiments and coupling inference theory" "Theory of information flow in complex networks" "Theorem of expected number of fixed points in Boolean networks" |
Animal Production and Ecology |
Associate Professor |
TAKAHASHI Hideyuki | "The improvement of meat production performance in Japanese Black Cattle" "Mechanism of epigenetic control in Japanese Black cattle" "Effect of constituents in colostrum on the subsequent metabolism and physiology in Japanese Black cattle" "Effects of myostatin control of the initial growth period is to provide meat quality of Japanese Black cattle" "Basic research aimed at feeding management system development of the initial growth phase that target myostatin of Japanese beef" "The effect of myostatin on energy metabolism" "The initial nourishment control is influence to give internal secretion and nutrient metabolism of the skeletal muscle in the black-haired Japanese cow" |
Associate Professor |
MORITA Yasuhiro | "Elucidate the relationship between the microbiome, productivity, and disease in ruminant livestock " "Generate novel husbandry management system using remote sensing systems in livestock" "Improve of livestock production under heat condition " |
Assistant Professor |
MITSUISHI Hiroki | "Effects of β-carotene on reproductive function in Japanese Black cows" "Characteristics of β-carotene in roughage and its application to cattle feeding management" |
Marine Biology | Professor | OHTA Kohei | "Sexual development in fish, Sex change and sexual plasticity, Aquaculture system" |
Assistant Professor |
YAMAGUCHI Akihiko | "The molecular study of gonadal sexual differentiation, development, maturation and environmental responsibility of Torafugu (Takifugu rubripes)" "Molecular analysis of nuclear (germinal vesicle) structure and function in fish oocytes" |
Assistant Professor |
CHAKRABORTY TAPAS | "Controlled fish reproductive management" | |
Fisheries Biology | Professor | KOKITA Tomoyuki | "Behavioral ecological genomics of fish reproductive strategies" "Mechanisms for local adaptation and ecological speciation in marine fishes" "Evolutionary genetic mechanisms underlying phenotypic adaptation of fishes " |
Assistant Professor |
KURIHARA Akira | "Taxonomic and phylogenetic studies of marine and freshwater macroalgae" "Conservation and Ecological studies of benthic marine and freshwater algae" "A study of phytoremediation using aquatic plants, especially seaweeds" "Phylogenetic, taxonomic, and life history studies on marine macroalgae; Studies on utilization of valuable marine algal resources" |
Assistant Professor |
MISHINA Tappei | "Evolutionary genomics of polyploidy and reproductive traits" "Study on conservation and management of threatened and fishery species" |
Marine Environmental Science |
Associate Professor | SHIMASAKI Yohei | "Fish toxicity mechanism of harmful red tide algae" "Relasionship of toxic phytoplankton dynamics and environmental factors in HIgashimatuura peninsula of Saga prefecture" "Function analysis of activated oxygen scavenging enzymes in harmful algal blooming species, Chattonella antiqua and marina" "Viability of harmful algae and its physiological response to environmental factors" "Toxic mechanisms of agrochemical to monocellular alga" "Molecular analysis of causal mechanisms of mass mortality in pearl oyster" "Searching biomarkers about wax and wane of harmful algae, and analyzing its molecular mechanisms" "Function analysis of tributyltin-binding protein in fish" |
Assistant Professor |
TAKAI Yuki | "Development of behavioral testing methods to assess the effect of chemical pollutants, focusing on the behavioral characteristics of medaka fish." "Elucidation of the Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP) of pharmaceutical pollution on aquatic organisms." "Development of non-invasive environmental monitoring methods targeting coastal organisms." |
Aquatic Field Science | Professor | ONIKURA Norio | "Development of support tools for multi-nature river manegement with watershed flood control" "Development of technology to convert land plants into blue carbon" "Technology development on setting target species using species distribution models in order to restore river ecosystem after a large disaster" "Study on ecosytem and biodiversity on tidal flats" "Study on the domestic alean fishes in Kyushu Island" "Study on the structure of aquatic ecosystem" "Study on the healthy evaluation of the aquatic ecosystem in rivers" "Study on the distribution, life history, and habitat use of several threatened fishes" "Study on the life history of catadromous sculpins" |
Associate Professor |
KURITA Yoshihisa | "Elucidation of local adaptation mechanisms in aquatic invertebrates" "Evolution of the morphological traits of aquatic invertebrates, and its underlying mechanisms" "Development and Performance Evaluation of Highly Functional Food Materials Using Unused Resources/Waste Food Materials" "Development of blue carbon management and creation technology through fishery activity" "Development of New technologies for aquaculture and stock-enhancement of marine invertebrates" "Search of the spawning induction molecular of bivalves" |
Assistant Professor |
KOYAMA Akihiko | "Assessment of ecological restoration in estuarine areas" "Distribution and ecology of estuarine benthic animals" "Biodiversity conservation in estuarine areas" |
Agro-environmental Sciences
Bioproduction Environmental Sciences
Research Field | Position | Name | Research Interests |
Irrigation and Water Management |
Professor | IWATA Yukiyoshi | "Irrigation and drainage for the improvement of productivity and quality for crops and vegetables" "Technology (e.g., geothermal heat pump system, biochar) for achieving decarbonized society" "Water, heat, and solute movements in soils" "Development of new soil moisture sensor" |
Assistant Professor |
TANIGUCHI Tomoyuki | "Water dynamics and management in irrigation paddy area" "Evaluation of rainwater storage function in rural area" "Paddy solar-sharing system" "Risk evaluation on drought and heavy rainfall disaster of irrigation ponds" "Conservation of Suizenji nori (Aphanothece sacrum (Sur.) Okada)" "Utilization of agricultural irrigation facilities for other purposes" |
Water Environment Engineering |
Professor | HARADA Masayoshi | "Development of Hybrid System of Water Quality Improvement technics in Closed Water Body with based on Aquatic Environmental Characteristics" "Development of Water Quality Improvement System by using LED for Closed Water Body with UNDERScarce Underwater Light Environment due to Organic Pollution" "Dynamic Analysis of Water Quality and Quantitative Evaluation of Environmental Preservation Measures for Eutrophic Agricultural Reservoirs in an Urban-Rural Area" "Development of integrated watershed management model for urbanizing agricultural watersheds in monsoon Asia area" "Development of prediction model for pesticide concentration in a paddy field and scaleup into watershed level" "Dynamiv analysis of water environment in the brackish lake under artificial control salinity" "Environmental hydraulics study on water quality in eutrophic closed water bodies" |
Assistant Professor |
TABATA Toshinori | "Evaluation of the impact of the sophistication of sewage treatment facilities on the marine environment of the Ariake Sea" "Sediment hydraulic research on functional evaluation of Yamada weir" "Development of river water level prediction technology by deep learning" "Development of Red Tides Prediction Tools by Deep Learning" "Development of Three dimensional ecosystem model in the Hakata Bay" "Evaluation of Large Fresh Water Discharges into Hakata Bay Due to Torrential Rain" "Flood Analysis in the Red River in order to Protect Hanoi City from Flooding" "Research on Inundation in Ho Chi Minh City using Numerical Model in context of Climate Change" "Analysis of the Occurrence of Anoxic Water Mass in the Ariake Sea using Dissolved Oxygen Model" "Study on Application of Yamada Weir into Developing Countries" "Analysis for Appropriate Coastal Environment in the Ariake Sea using Artificial Neural Network" "Development of Three-dimensional sigma coordinate model in the Hakata bay" "Development of Three-dimensional sigma-coordinate model in the Ariake Sea" "Feature Extraction of the Ariake Sea using Multivariate Analysis and GIS" |
Environmental Soil Engineering |
Professor | KANAYAMA Motohei | "Study on mineralogical, chemical, and engineering properties of marine clay" "Evaluation of mechanical behavior of clay using micro technology" "Effect of salt leaching on clay structure and its deformation characteristics" "Long-term residual settlement prediction and applicability of soft ground based on actual measurements using nonlinear optimization method" "Study of ground consolidation settlement prediction method using machine learning" "Consolidation deformation characteristics of marine clay in low-lying reclaimed land and prediction of settlement of irrigation structures" "Development and application of soil solidification treatment technology using industrial waste (oyster shells and bamboo fibers)" "Development of soil stabilization treatment technology based on CO2 fixation" |
Assistant Professor |
NAKANO Akiko | "Alteration of Mineral, Chemical, and Physical Properties of Marine Clay Due to Oxidation Processes" "Study on the Mineralogical, Chemical, and Engineering Properties of Bentonite" "Research on Heavy Metal Pollution in Agricultural Land and Surrounding Ground Environments" "Development of Ground Improvement and Restoration Techniques Utilizing Microbial Functions" |
Soil Science | Professor | HIRADATE Syuntaro | "Research on the soil formation processes and soil classification based on soil survey" "Characterization of the ecosystems of Ogasawara Islands by material cycle including soil systems" "Estimation of the rate of soil carbon sequestration" "Regulation of soil environment for the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems" "Interactions between soil components and plant essential elements" |
Assistant Professor |
MORI Yuki | "Analysis of behavior of nutrients and pollutants focused on their concentration in soil solution" "Numerical modelling of effluent loads from integrated farming systems" "Prediction of dissolution ratio of soil minerals in highly acidic solution" "Properties of rice terrace soil in Hoshino-Village" |
Agricultural Meteorology |
Professor | HIROTA Tomoyoshi | "Impact of climate change on agriclture and an adaptation practice" |
Associate Professor |
YASUTAKE Daisuke | "Analyzing plant eco-physiological functions and their responses to environments and opimizing plant production systems" | |
Assistant Professor |
YOKOYAMA Gaku | "Effects of leaf wetting on plant gas exchange and energy balance" | |
Agricultural Machinery and Production Systems Design |
Professor | OKAYASU Takashi | "Study on Measurement, Extraction, and Visualization of Plant Phenotype Using Computer Vision" "Development of Low Cost Farming Support Robot and Verification of Its Validity" "Development of High-throughput Plant Phenotyping System" "Study on Smart Agriculture" "Study on numerical analyses of mechanical behavior in crop-machine system" "Study on numerical analyses of mechanical behavior in soils-machine system" "Study on analysis of soil defomation behavior by elastoplastic FEM" "Study on elastoplastic constitutive equation of materials" "Study on experimental and theoretical analyses for frictional phenomena between structures" "Development of soil displacement measurement system based on PIV" "Study on traveling performance of off-road vehicle and soil deformation" |
Associate Professor |
HIRAI Yasumaru | "Measurement technologies for rice yield and yield components during combine harvesting" "Numerical analysis of mechanical behavior of rice during combine harvesting" |
Postharvest Science | Professor | TANAKA Fumihiko | "Estimation of gas and thermal diffusivity of fruits by using 3D heat and mass transfer model" "Improvment of drying efficiency of animal feed rice with milling" "Development of Biological Hazard Analysis System of Food" "Modeling and optimization of food and agricultural processing systems by using CAE/CFD" "CFD Modeling of steam infusion pasteurization of liquid foods" "Stochastic modeling in heat and mass transfer in food processing" "Modeling of moisture transfer of low-moisture-rice packed with film" "Stochastic Modeling and Optimizing Pneumatic Drying of Rice Powder" "A coupled analysis on moisture diffusion and hygroscopic swelling of grains during the soaking process" |
Assistant Professor |
TANAKA Fumina | "Preserving Freshness of Fruit and Vegetables with Biologically Derived Edible Coatings" "Estimation of heat and gas diffusion coefficients in fruit and vegetable tissues using a three-dimensional model" "The Design and Evaluation of the Dual Temperature Reefer Container Using CFD" "Improvment of drying efficiency of crushed rice for animal feed" |
Forest Environmental Sciences
Research Field | Position | Name | Research Interests |
Forest Management | Professor | MIZOUE Nobuya | "Multiple assessments of silviculture and management systems of conifer plantations" "Sustainable Forest Management in Southeast Asia" "Quality assurance and effective utilization of forest monitoring data" |
Associate Professor |
OTA Tetsuji | "Forest monitoring using remote sensing" | |
Assistant Professor |
CHICAS DANIEL SANTOS | "Deforestation frontier dynamics in Southeast Asia" "Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Wildland Fire in Central America, and Key Factors Identification" "Landslide Susceptibility Factors and Models: A Systematic Review" "The adoption of climate-smart agriculture to address wildfires in the Maya Golden Landscape of Belize: Smallholder farmers' perceptions" |
Erosion Control | Professor | SHUIN Yasuhiro | "Assessment of forest vegetation and natural disasters under climate change" |
Associate Professor |
MIZUNO Hideaki | "Clarify the sediment-related distasters triggered by the 2017 Northern Kyushu Severe Rainfall event" "Study on effective drainage systems of forest roads" "Study on estimating of mudflow spreading" "Study on Sediment movement in mountainous area, river basin and coastal area" |
Silviculture | Professor | WATANABE Atsushi | "Molecular genetics and gene expression profiling associated with Pine Wilt Disease toward protection of Pine forest in Japan" "Understanding of the root-inducing signal in Cryptomeria japonica" "Selection of Toxicodendron species which quantity of sap flow is improved using Molecular techniques" "Identification of Rhododendron cultivar using DNA barcoding" "Several studies associated with Forest Tree Breeding in Japan" "Forest management using DNA marker and GIS" |
Assistant Professor |
SAKUTA Kotaro | "Distribution and situation of the beech (Fagus crenata) stands in Kyushu island" "Studies for coniferous plantations productivity" "Forest dynamics after natural and artificial disturbances" "Trees physiological ecological characteristics within the forests in warm-temperate zone" "Physiological ecological studies for water relation of trees" |
Assistant Professor |
TSUYAMA Michito | "Regulation of photosynthesis" | |
Forest Polic | Professor | SATO Noriko | "Research on Consensus Building Methods of Forest Environmental Policies for Disaster Mitigation" "Construction of a Model for Economic Circulation and Environmental Conservation in Mountainous Areas Based on Small-Scale Self-Logging Forestry" "Research on the Succession of Private Forest Lands and Sustainable Forest Management Methods in an Era of Aging and Declining Birthrates" "Research on the Effectiveness and Challenges of Direct Payment System for the Sustainable Performance of Multifunctional Forests" "Research on Changes in the Work Structure of Forestry Households and Forest Management Issues" "Research on the use of forest environment tax by local governments in the era of decentralization" |
Associate Professor |
FUJIWARA Takahiro | "Reconstructing "Political Forests" in Tropical Asia and Japan" | |
Forest Resources Management |
Professor | KOGA Shinya | "Wood quality assessment of various tree species" "Development of nondestructive evaluation of wood quality for standing tree" "Research on securing materials for wooden cultural properties" "Utilization of woody biomass as energy source" "Scientific understanding of traditional wood use in local area; |
Associate Professor |
ICHIHASHI Ryuji | "Hydraulic characteristics of temperate lianas and trees (with special emphasis on their responses to freezing weather)" "Water-use characteristics of trees, lianas and bamboos, and effects of vegetation characteristics on forest water dynamics" "Basic ecology of forest lianas" |
Associate Professor |
ENOKI Tsutomu | "Spatio-temporal heterogeneity in forest ecosystem" | |
Associate Professor |
UTSUMI Yasuhiro | "Xylem structure and the ascent of sap" "Ethnobotanical analysis of tree usage in Japan" |
Assistant Professor |
TASHIRO Naoaki | "Development of quantitative methods for local light environment in forest" "The range of light environment in crown and regeneration characteristics in tree species" "The plasticity of crown formation characteristics by local light environment in Abies sachalinensis" "The relationships between crown formation characteristics and adult stature in two Acer species" |
Assistant Professor |
KUSUMOTO Buntaro | My research interest is to describe various spatial and temporal patterns in forest organisms' assemblages from local to global scales, and to unravel the hierarchical mechanisms creating those patterns. I also work on the spatial design of efficient and effective ecosystem management under socio-economic restrictions using spatial biodiversity information. | |
Forest Ecosystem Management |
Professor | KUME Tomonori | "Water and carbon cycling in forest ecosystems" |
Associate Professor |
CHIWA Masaaki | "Biogeochemistry on Land" "Biogeochemical nitrogen cycle in forested ecosystems" |
Associate Professor |
KASAHARA Tamao | "Contribution of Instream Processes to Nitrogen Dynamics in Headwater Streams" "Changes in water quality after catastrophic disturbance in mountain streams with different lithology" "Effects of dams on the hyporheic environment" "Rainfall-runoff processes in montane catchments" "Dynamics of the hyporheic zone, and the roles of the hyporheic zone in stream ecosystem" |
Associate Professor |
HISHI Takuo | "Global change effects on soil biodiversity and its functions" "Effects of climate, topography and vegetation on soil diversity in species, function and phylogeny" "Multiple functions of understory vegetation on ecosystems" "Belowground strategies for nutrient acquisition in tree species" "Effects of soil freeze-thaw cycle derived from altering snow depth with global warming on forest nitrogen cycling" |
Associate Professor |
KATAYAMA Ayumi | "Carbon cycling in forest ecosystems" "Carbon cycling in forest ecosystems" |
Sustainable Bioresources Science
Research Field | Position | Name | Research Interests |
Wood Science | Professor | GOTOH Eiji | "phototropin-independent chloroplast movements" "chloroplast movements in wild plants" "Elucidates the regulation systems on chloroplast movements" "light-induced stomatal opening in CAM plants" "mechanism of light-induced chloroplast movement" "Analysis of light responses in Gymnosperms" "The goal of our research is to clarify the contribution of some light responses on plant growth" "Phototropin movement in cell" |
Assistant Professor |
HASEGAWA Masumi | "Nondestructive evaluation of the physical and mechanical properties within tree trunk using ultrasonic wave" "Prediction of the residual strength of wooden structural members" "Development of nondestructive inspection technique for the fire performance of fire-retardant treated wood" |
Assistant Professor |
TAKAHASHI Daiki | "Mechanisms of plant diversification" "Genomic bases of plant adaptation" "Plant evolution driven by interactions with other organisms" "Phylogeographic history of forest plants" "Plant taxonomy" |
Forest Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Professor | TSUTSUMI Yuji | "Development of functional lignin-cellulose composite film" "Utilization of woody-biomass for sustainable energy" "Mechanisms on the formation of woody plant cell walls -lignin biosynthesis-" "Degradation and inactivation of prion by white-rot fungi and enzymes" "Biodegradation of recalcitrant organic pollutants by white-rot fungi" |
Associate Professor |
ONA Toshihiro | "High functionalization with edible liquids of rapid ripening in 1-2 days and of dormancy breaking within 5 days" "Developement of cancer discrimination adn cancer drug efficacy evaluation aiming personal cancer therapy" "Developement of high sensitivity combined device aiming cancer therapy" "Developement of forest resources possessing high paper reclability" |
Assistant Professor |
FUJITA Koki | "Physiological response of cultured tree cells by natural volatile chemicals" "The cloning and expression and characterization of enzymes related terpene byosinthesis" "Biosynthesis pathway of beta-thujaplicin on tree" |
Bioresources Chemistry |
Professor | KITAOKA Takuya | "Nano-/bio-architectonics of structural polysaccharides" "Biomedical and cosmetic research on nano-polysaccharides" "Xeno-free regenerative medicine by nano-polysaccharides" "Dental pulp stem cell culture using nano-polysaccharides" "Development of immunoadjuvants using natural nano-polysaccharides as novel medical modalities" "Development of marine biodegradable wood-mimetic spherical microparticles in cosmetic applications" |
Associate Professor |
ICHINOSE Hirofumi | "Biology and Biotechnology of Fungi" "Application of cytochrome P450 monooxygenase and sesquiterpene synthase" |
Assistant Professor |
HATAKEYAMA Mayumi | "Functional expression of hepatocytes regulated by cellulose and chitin nanofibers" "Structural polysaccharide nanofibers act as a culture substrate to maintain undifferentiated/promote differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells " |
Biomacromolecular Materials |
Associate Professor |
TATSUMI Daisuke | "Preparation of Network Structure Using Nonlenear Patterning and Its Rhysical Properties" "Development of Environment-friendly Functional Gels" "Fundamental Theory of Fiber Materials" "Structure and Rheological Properties of Fiber Networks" "Creation of Novel Fibrous Materials from Natural Polymer Solutions" |
Systematic Forest and Forest Products Science |
Professor | KUME Atsushi | "Evolution of absorption spectral properties of leaves" "Development of new photo sensors" "Plant growth in space" "Effective use of biomass energy" "Forest water cycle" |
Associate Professor |
SHIMIZU Kuniyoshi | "Evaluation of the functional of Angelica keiskei" "Functional evaluation of honey and isolation and identification of compounds" "Isolation and Identification of Compounds in AKAJISO(Perilla frutescens var. crispa f. purpurea) and Functional evaluation" "Establishment of functional evaluation and analysis methods for argan saponins" "In vitro functional evaluation test of ethanol and water extract of Houttuynia cordata" "Functional components isolated from Olive" "Verification of effects on human cognitive function using foods containing peanut extract" "A supplement containing Nejimebiwa tea as a functionally labeled food that contributes to the suppression of allergic symptoms" "Basic research on improvement of cognitive function of ingredients containing Yamabushitake" "Volatile compounds emitted from Juncus effusus and their functions" "Comparison of the physiologicalcomponent profile and human essential oil aroma prepared from cedar leaves and wood parts" " Wild Mushroom in Nepal: Some potential Candidates as Antioxidant and ACE Inhibition Sources" " Comparative Biological Study of Roots, Stems, Leaves, and Seeds of" " Search for bioactive compound from the waste of Ejyptian plants" " HMGCoA reductase inhibitors from natural resources" " Search for hair growth agents from natural products" " Functional components isolated from Eriobotrya japonica" " Search for bioactive compounds from the bamboo and the skin of bamboo shoot" " Volatile compounds emitted from woods and their functions" " The physiological and psychological effects of volatiles emitted from natural resources on human" " The aldose reductase inhibitors from Ganoderma lucidum" " Search for the preventive compounds from mushroom on benign prostate hyperplasia" " Search for the compound with estrogenic activity from mushrooms" |
Biomaterial Design | Associate Professor |
YOKOTA Shingo | "Fabrication of new particle materials by interfacial fusion using bio-nanofibers" "Surface chemical modification of cellulose nanomaterials" "Structural and functional design of layered cellulosic materials" |
Agricultural and Resource Economics
Agricultural and Resource Economics
Research Field | Position | Name | Research Interests |
Food and Agricultural Policies |
Professor | ISODA Hiroshi | "A Study on Development of the Policies related to Paddy Agriculture and Rice in Japan" "Analysis on Regional Agricultural Structure-with Special Emphasys on Kyushu Region" "Agricultural Structure, Agricultural Policy, Farmers Cooperative, and Agribusiness in the US" "Political Economy Study on Contemporary International Agro-Food Relations (Food Regime) and 'World Agriculture'" |
Associate Professor |
WATANABE Takaaki | "A Study on Historical and Institutional Development of Policies of Food, Agriculture and Rural Area in Japan" "A Study on the development and the Future Course of agricultural structures in Tohoku and Kyushu area in Japan" "A study on the key players for revitalizing of regional agriculture and rural area" |
Agricultural and Farm Management |
Professor | INOUE Norikazu | "Business development and sustainability enhancement strategies of agricultural management according to regional characteristics" "Regional networks formation of agricultural and farm management" "Resource-recycling and socially-contributing farm management and regional systems" |
Assistant Professor |
UENISHI Yoshihiro | "Perceptions of climate change and adaptation strategies among farmers in Japan : Development of management theory against climate change" "Motivations and decision-making process of farmers adopting a conservation-oriented farming method" "Research on the construction of a purchasing behavior model that incorporates consumers' preferences for agricultural products" |
Quantitative Food Economic Analysis |
Professor | MAEDA Koshi | "Development of quantitative economic model of imperfectly competitive market" "Quantitative analyses of agricultural support policies" "Quantitative analyses of international agricultural negotiations" |
Associate Professor |
TAKAHASHI Kohya | "Econometric analyses on product differentiation in food and agricultural product market" "Econometric analyses on imperfect competitiveness in food and agricultural product market" |
Food Marketing and Distribution |
Professor | MORITAKA Masahiro | "Study on wholesale market system for fruits and vegetables" "Study on Mechanism of Contract Transaction of Agricultural Products" "Attempt to Build the Systematized Study for South-East Asian Food Value Chain based on the Game Theory" "Study on co-selling and marketing of agricultural products" "Study on production and distribution system of self-sufficient roughage" "Study on credibility control of food safetyrdquo; |
Assistant Professor |
BEN TAIEB SEIFEDDINE | "Consumer behaviour toward gene edited tomatoes" "Olive oil consumption behaviour" |
Environmental Economics |
Professor | YABE Mitsuyasu | "Research on Effective Utilization of Biomass Resources and Bio-Concentrated Liquid Fertilizer (Bio-CLF)" "Consensus Building for Natural Regeneration of Abandoned Farmland and Regional Development" "Economic evaluation of environmental value" "Policy Research on Agricultural Culture System and Conservation of Agricultural Heritage" "Economic Analysis of Consumer Attitudes toward Food Safety and Security" "Comparative Analysis of Agro-Environmental Policies in Japan, Europe and the United States" |
Associate Professor |
TAKAHASHI Yoshifumi | "Survey on Consumer Acceptance of Genome-Edited Foods and Insect Feed for Marine products" "A study on New Demand Supply System of Liquid Fertilizer Considering the Complementary Relationship between Rural Areas and Fishing Grounds" "An evaluation of environmental load reduction in the reusing system of organic waste treatments" "An analyze the ripple effects by introduction of new technology on aquaculture industries in Tohoku area" "A study on behavioral economics for information of environmental status which prompt moral behavior" |
Bioscience and Biotechnology
Molecular Biosciences
Research Field | Position | Name | Research Interests |
Biochemistry | Associate Professor |
NUMATA Tomoyuki | "Elucidation for the mechanism of action of riboswitch and its application for development of new drugs" "Functional and structural analysis of CRISPR-Cas effector complex" |
Assistant Professor |
YAMAGAMI Takeshi | "DNA polymerase" "topoisomerase" "Replisome" "Studies on DNA polymerases from Archaea" "Creation of DNA polymerase using metagenome information" "Studies on DNA replication of Archaea" "studies on ACS synthase from Arabidopsis" "structure-function relationship of plant chitinases" |
Assistant Professor |
NAKASHIMA Takashi | "Strucutre analysis of archaeal RNA helicase" | |
Assistant Professor |
MATSUMOTO Shunsuke | "Proofreading mechanism of protein mislocalition" "Structural biology of novel CRISPR-Cas related proteins" |
Marine Biochemistry | Professor | NAKAO Miki | "Elucidation of structure, function and their diversity of the complement system in fish" "Comparative Immunology of innate immune factors in aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates" "Elucidation of crosstalk between innate and adaptive immune systems in fish" |
Associate Professor |
SOMAMOTO Tomonori | "The study of cell-mediated immunity in fish" "Prevention of fish disease using affinity silk" "Immune systems of rag-1-deficient zebrafish against bacterial and viral infection" "Development of prophylaxis strategy against infectious disease in koi carp employing hen egg antibody (IgY)" |
Assistant Professor |
NAGASAWA Takahiro | "Study of for sexual cycles of Elasmobranchii for their reproduction in aquarium" "Study of an activation of innate immune response by fish B cells" "Study of a regulation of inflammatory/anti-inflammatory response by phagocytic fish thrombocytes" |
Marine Resource Chemistry |
Professor | OKINO Nozomu | "Marine Biotechnology" "Analysis of sphingolipid metabolizing enzymes" |
Assistant Professor |
ISHIBASHI Yohei | "Development of Molecular Breeding Technology for thraustochytrid" "Study of the function and application of lipid metabolizing enzymes" |
Biophysical Chemistry | Professor | KAKUTA Yoshimitsu | "Structural biology about sulfotransferase and glycosyltransferase" |
Associate Professor |
NISHIMOTO Etsuko | "Laser spectroscopic application to biomolecular science" | |
Assistant Professor |
TERAMOTO Takamasa | "The Structural biology of RNA-binding proteins and sulfotransferases" | |
Plant Nutrition | Professor | MATSUOKA Ken | Researches on the synthesis, modification, transport, localization and degradation of proteins、glycans and complex carbohydrates in plant cells are conducting. Current topics of researches include the regulation mechanism of organelle differentiation, membrane protein localization and degradation under different nutritional conditions, characterization of transport signals, and regulation of protein glycosylation and a valuable glycan synthesis. In addition, researches on the production of valuable plants/crops using genetic engineering and/or environmental control are also conducting. |
Professor | MARUYAMA Akiko | "Effects of sulfur deficiency on the uptake and transport of other nutrients in plants" "Regulatory mechanism of glucosinolates catabolism in plants" "Role of sulfur metabolism in plant response and adaptation to environmental stress" "Essentiality of selenium for plants and plant tolerance to selenate" "Effects of heavy metal treatment on sulfur assimilation and metabolism, and the physiological meaning of the effects" "Regulatory mechanism of sulfur assimilation and metabolism in plants" "Identification and characterization of the sulfur response mutants to identify novel regulatory proteins of sulfur assimilation and metabolism" "Transcriptional regulation of sulfate transporters in response to sulfur nutritional status" "Molecular mechanism of sulfate uptake and translocation in plants" "Functional identification of the proteins which transcript accumulation are regulated by sulfur level" "Regulatory mechanism of glucosinolates synthesis in plants" |
Research Associate |
KIKUCHI Masamichi | "Research on the relationship between oxygen concentration in photosynthesis, its variation with temperature, and metabolism." | |
Pesticide Chemistry | Professor | ARISAWA Mieko | "Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Syntheses of Organoheteroatom Compounds and Their Functions" "Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Chemical Modifications of Peptides/Proteins and Functions" |
Assistant Professor |
YAMADA Naotaka | "Design, Synthesis and Biological Activity of Novel Anti-Juvenile Hormone Agents" "Isolation and identification of sucking deterrent against green rice leafhopper and brown planthopper in rice using Near Isogenic Lines" "Rsearch of new bleaching compounds in targeting carotenoid biosynthesis in plant" "Physiological Analysis of 8-Nitro-cycli-GMP in Plant or Incet" "Study on insecticide metabolism by Incect glutathione transferases (GST)" |
Genome Chemistry & Engineering |
Professor | NAKAMURA Takahiro | "Genome editing" "Engineering of custom RNA binding protein" "Nuclear-cytoplasmic genome interaction in plant" |
Associate Professor |
KAZAMA Tomohiko | "Genetic engineering of plant mitochondrial genome" "Interaction between nuclear and mitochondrial genome in plants" "Genetic variation of rice" |
Systems Bioengineering
Research Field | Position | Name | Research Interests |
Molecular Gene Technology |
Professor | HIRAKAWA Hideki | "Exploration of useful genes using enhanced gene and polymorphism annotation" "Elucidation of mechanisms of gene regulation based on genome-wide analysis for transcripts and gene functions" "Elucidation of genome and gene structures by determining genome sequences" |
Cellular Regulation Technology |
Professor | KATAKURA Yoshinori | "Anti-brain aging effect of carnosine and its molecular basis" "Molecular basis for anti-aging foods" "Molecular basis for aging and its application to invenstion of anti-aging foods" "Generation of antigen-specific human monoclonal antibody by in vitro immunization" "Mass-production of recombinant protein in mammalian cells" |
Assistant Professor |
TERUYA Kiichiro | "Investigation of the factors for anti-aging and anti-oxidative stress related decease, and application to engineering of clinical food functions" "Development of functional foods for anti-life style-related diseases" "Evaluations of functional foods for anti-virus, anti-stress, anti-allergy, immunopotentiation, anti-oxidation, anti-life style-related diseases" |
Synthetic Biology | Professor | HANAI Taizo | "Application of AI to Biotechnology" "Construction of artifical gene network by synthetic biology" "Improvement of biofuel production by metabolic engineering" |
Assistant Professor |
HAMADA Hiroyuki | "Mathematical modeling and Sensitivity analysis for Staphylococcus aureus pathogenic expression" "Mathematical modeling and Sensitivity analysis of beating synchronization" "Mathematical modeling and Sensitivity analysis of G1/S phase in the cell cycle including the DNA damage signal transduction pathway" "Research and development of the end stage renal disease treatment" |
Assistant Professor |
SUZUKI Kenshi | "Bioremediation and Bioproduction" "Microbial community and the function" "Functional heterogeneity" |
Applied Microbiology |
Professor | TAKEGAWA Kaoru | "Production of heterologous proteins using the fission-yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) expression system" "Vesicle-mediated protein transport pathways to the vacuole in yeast" "Transglycosylation activity and its application of endo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase" "Structures and physiological roles of protein glycosylation in microbial eukaryotes" |
Associate Professor |
HIGUCHI Yujiro | "Development of Aspergillus oryzae host strains that highly produce valuable materials by cellular biological study" "Analysis of AipA-like AAA ATPases in eukaryotic microorganisms" "Analysis of early endosome motility in Aspergillus oryzae" |
Microbial Technology |
Professor | NAKAYAMA Jiro | "Study on structure and function of gut microbiota" "Asian gut microbiome project" "Quorum sensing of Gram-positive bacteria" "Bacterial cell-cell communication in gastro-intestinal microbiota" "Studies on bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria" "Microbiota of fermented rice bran" |
Associate Professor |
ZENDO Takeshi | "Antimicrobial peptides (bacteriocins) produced by lactic acid bacteria" "Production of valuable materials by lactic acid bacteria" |
Soil and Environmental Microbiology |
Associate Professor |
TASHIRO Yukihiro | "Study on establishment and improvement of lactic acid fermentation process for poly-lactic acid plastic from food waste" "Study on usage of microorganisms for treatments of wastes and wastewater" "Ecology of thermophilic microorganism and Application for biotechnology" "Study on useful thermophilic microorganisms for functional compost production from wastes" "Study on analysis of microbial community in soil containing and covered with lignocellulose" "Study on isolation and apply of novel and superior soil microorganism" "Study on production of biofuels and biomaterials from biomass by microorganism" |
Assistant Professor |
OSHIRO Mugihito | "Study on microbiome associated with traditional fermented-foods" | |
Functional Genomics and Metabolism |
Professor | FURUYA Shigeki | "Regulation of brain metabolism and function by food proteins/peptides" "Functional genomics analysis of nutrient-gene interaction using knockout mice lacking amino acid biosynthesis" |
Silkworm Bioresources |
Associate Professor |
FUJII Tsuguru | "Genetic Studies of Silkworm Mutants" "Research on the Exploration and Functional Analysis of Beneficial Genes in insects" "Study on the Domestication of Silkworms through Consomic Strains" "Research on Silkworm Cryopreservation Techniques" |
Assistant Professor |
HINO Masato | "Construction of Silkworm Artificial Chromosomes" "Research on sanitary insect-borne viruses" |
Plant Bioresources | Professor | KUBO Takahiko | "Analysis of genetic mechanisms regulating rice seed storage substances" "Functional analysis of genes involved in rice reproductive development and trait diversity" "Development of rice mutant lines and characterization of rice genetic resources" |
Assistant Professor |
OGURA Takehiko | "Regulatory mechanisms of trait variation in rice genetic resource" "Upstream regulatory mechanisms for rice seed storage components" "Developing analytical methods to elucidate genetic mechanisms of rice traits regulation" |
Microbial Bioresources |
Professor | DOI Katsumi | "Investigation and isolation of bioresources from geothermal water" "Isolation and identification of virus infected to hyperthermopiles" "Study of biosilicification with Thermus species" "Structural and functional analysis of extrachromosomal elements in bacteria" "Investigation of environmentally-sound agricultural and livestock system using lactic acid bacteria" "Spatial and temporal analysis of gene regulation for morphological and metabolic differentiation in Streptomyces" |
Assistant Professor |
FUJINO Yasuhiro | "Development of genetic tools for thermophiles" "Study on Biosilicification caused by thermophilic bacteria" "Thermostabiliazation of the biomineralization related proteins and its application" "Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages which infect thermophilic bacteria" |
Food Science and Biotechnology
Research Field | Position | Name | Research Interests |
Nutrition Chemistry | Professor | SATO Masao | "Analysis of relation between serum fatty acid composition and disease" "Development of rice oil source from breakthrough rice strain" "Metabolism and absorption of nutrients" "Development of anti-metabolic syndrome food" "Investigation of metabolic memory via DNA methylation by lipid nutrients" "Mechanism of diet induced hypercholesterlemia" "Effects of dietary and endogenous oxycholesterols on various deseases" "Effects of diets on lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis" |
Assistant Professor |
TANAKA Yasutake | "Creation of novel pathological model animal by controlling the novel metabolic regulating gene Smek2" | |
Food Chemical Biology |
Professor | TACHIBANA Hirofumi | "Identification of food factors for prevention of life style-relating diseases" "Food chemical biology" "Identification and application of the molecular targets of functional food factors" "Elucidation of Sensory Systems for Food Factors in View of Molecular Epidemiology" "Identification and apllication of the genes that are responsible to life style-relating diseases" "Identification and application of anti-allergy factors in foods" "Genaration of functional antibodies" |
Associate Professor |
FUJIMURA Yoshinori | "Chemical biology of green tea polyphenols" "R&D of metabolome analysis toward high-precision phenotypic evaluation" "Metabolic profiling analysis for functional food pairing" "Analysis of plant microRNA as new functional food factor" |
Assistant Professor |
KUMAZOE Motofumi | "Research focuses on the role of cGMP in the physiological effects of phytochemicals" | |
Food Analysis | Professor | MATSUI Toshiro | "Evaluation of Bioavailability of bioactive compounds" "Prevention of lefe-style related diseases by bioactive food compounds" "Sorption of flavor compounds into polymer films" |
Associate Professor |
TANAKA Mitsuru | "Application of MALDI-MS Imaging for food analysis" "Study on the synergistic enhancement of small peptide-induced vasorelaxation by food components" "Study on physiological functionality of small peptides on vascular health and its underlying mechanisms" |
Assistant Professor |
KANEKO Ryosuke | "High-throughput metabolomics for cancer diagnosis" "De novo sequencing for low-molecular-weight peptides" "Discovery of functional protein bodies" "Disease-specific metabolite pattern identification" |
Food Process Engineering |
Professor | IGURA Noriyuki | "Physical properties of emulsions" "Study of food texture and flavor after high pressure treatment" "Study of inactivation of microorganisms" |
Associate Professor |
TSUBAKI Shuntaro | "Development of food processing technology using microwaves" "Recycling of food waste using microwaves" "Development of microwave catalytic process" "'In situ' observation of reaction rate enhancement by microwaves" |
Assistant Professor |
IBRAHIM MOHAMED ABDELHAK MAAMOUN | "Catalysts synthesis for food process engineering and microwave-assisted catalytic sterilization systems" "Utilization of spent nanomaterials from water treatment applications in the catalytic pyrolysis of food waste" |
Food Hygienic Chemistry |
Associate Professor |
HONJOH Ken-ichi | "Development of a method for lowering contamination with Listeria to fresh produce during cultivation" "Studies on new compatible solutes for freezing tolerance" "Studies on the mechanisms of the development of freezing tolerance of chlorella" "Studies of enhancement of freezing tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae" "Studies on the enhancement of freezing tolerance of higher plants" |
Assistant Professor |
MASUDA Yoshimitsu | "Genetical modification of bacteriophage by genome editing and LLB-phage application" "Study on stress tolerance of pathogenic bacterial persister cells" "Establishment of novel food-born pathogen control method by leaderless bacteriocin producing phage" "Role of toxin-antitoxin system in bacterial heat tolerance" "Biosynthetic analyses on circular and leaderless bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria" "Study on novel bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria, circular and leaderless bacteriocins" "Study on structural and characteristic analyses of novel bacteriocins produced by Weissella hellenica QU 13" |
Endowed Chairs and Funded Research Departments
Research Field | Position | Name | Research Interests |
Laboratory of functional water, food and energy |
Associate Professor |
TOMIKAWA Takeki | "Analysis of beneficial effects of functional water" "Analysis of Functional Foods Exhibiting Beneficial Effects on the Organism -Analysis of Anti-Tumor Effects of Fermented Extracts of Corrosive Soil-" "Analysis of beneficial effects of electric field" "Study for beneficial effect of metal nanoparticles" |
Analytical Food Immunoscience | Professor | HIROSE Naoto | "Studies on food functions, processing, and utilization of food products" |
No department or course affiliation
Position | Name | Research Interests |
Professor | MATSUMURA Junji | "Excavation of domestic fast growing hardwoods suitable for interior""Excavation of domestic fast growing hardwoods suitable for interior""Study on new demands for unused hardwood recources"" Wood quality of fast growing tree species planted in Africa and Asia"" Visualizations of degradation of wood during weathering using LVSEM techniques"" Visualizations of shrinkage, collapse and microcracks with wood drying using microscopic techniques"" Evaluation of Wood Quality and Cultivation of Fast Growing Trees for Sustainable Wood Utilization"" Relationship of Wood Anatomical Features to Permeability, Fixation and Leaching of Preservatives"" Black heartwood formation of Cryptomeria japonica"" Wood quality on large-diameter domestic species from high aged-class plantation forest." |
Center for Promotion of International Education and Research, Faculty of Agriculture
Research Field | Position | Name | Research Interests |
International Relations | Professor | NAKAMURA Mako | Research: Research on developmental process of "smooth muscle" and "skeletal muscle" to solve the world's food problems. Education: Promotion for the development of "international human resources" from high school students to doctoral students. |
International Education | Professor | DRUMMOND DOUGLAS ROBERT | "Microtubule dynamics in yeast and fungi" "Microtubule cytoskeleton proteins" |
Associate Professor |
OGINO Yukiko | "Mechanisms of development and differentiation of sexual characteristics in teleost fishes" "Genetic basis of diversification of male ornamental shape and reproductive behavior" "Mechanisms of action of sex steroid hormones and endocrine disruptors, and creation of fish for environmental monitoring" |
Associate Professor |
TSE KA FAI WILLIAM | "Disease models and mechanism" "Developmental toxicology" "Osmoregulation" |
Associate Professor |
TA VIET TON | "Mathematics" "Mathematical Biology" "Simulation" "AI" "Finance" |
Associate Professor |
NOMURA Hisako | "Low carbon societies and green infrastructure" "Future risks and adaptation in floods and water shortage" "Future risks and adaptation in food production and security" "Future risks and adaptation in ecosystems" |
Associate Professor |
MAEKAWA Hiromi | "Molecular mechanism of mating type switching in methylotrophic yeast" "Regulation of cytoplasmic microtubuels in methylotrophic yeast" |
Associate Professor |
KITA Hiroko | " Operation of an undergraduate double degree (DD) programs (Northern Arizona University, USA)" "Development (University of Kajamada, Indonesia and others) and operation (Kasetsart University, Thailand) of master's degree DD programs" "Development of science-based short- and long-term study abroad programs" "Visualizing Syllabus Similarities" "Comparison of foreign higher education systems" "Development of international cooperation in education" |
Assistant Professor |
BANG HYUNJUNG | "Global competency education" "study about export promoting of Japan Agricultural products" "Effects of dietary and endogenous oxycholesterols on various deseases" "Effects of diets on lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis" |
Institute of Tropical Agriculture
Research Field | Position | Name | Research Interests |
Tropical Crops & Environment Section | Associate Professor |
HAMAOKA Norimitsu | "Environmental stress responses in crops" "Studies on the yield and quality of Yam varieties (Dioscorea spp.)" "Studies on the High-yielding Rice Cultivation Using Near-isogenic Line for Large Sink Size" "Responses of Photosynthesis and Dry Matter Production to Different Nitrogen Conditions in the AA Genome Oryza Species" |
Assistant Professor |
HOSOISHI Shingo | "Taxonomy, molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the ant genus Crematogaster in tropical Asia Skeletomuscular morphology of ants" " Community ecology of ants: effect of disturbance (fire, urbanization, deforestation, flood) Ant diversity in Cambodia" " Biodiversity assessment by using DNA barcoding" |
Land-Water Resources & Environment Conservation Section | Professor | MATSUMOTO Masaru | " Development of a Biological Control Method for Root Rot Disease of Para Rubber Tree Utilizing the Mushroom Parasitic Fungus Trichoderma spp"" Project on Development of Biological Control Methods for Salad Crop Disorders in Fukuoka Prefecture"" Study on the disease control techniques with spent mushroom substrate"" Study on disease control using urea peroxide solution"" Using Trichoderma fungi, we develop some agricultural materials for plant growing and disease control"" Investigation of the contraction of a disease phenomenon of the asparagus genus endemic species of Hamatamabouki and establishment of the protective measure"" Study on the phenomenon comprehensive elucidation about the lower high water temperature environment and fisheries illness of the tropical salt water rearing pond"" Study on development of the high-performance soil using clean water grime"" Cultivation of new developped line of asparagas using Japanese wild cultivars"" Investigation of low temperature fermentation of paper sludge and their inovation of noburn recycle systems"" Development of the outbreak situation and the disease resistance camellia kind in our country of camellia"" Study on elucidation of the breakthrough phenomenon of the Gramineae crops blight"" Development of recycle system of PSI paper sludge for non-fire discard"" Study on the survey of anti-fungal compounds contained from plant extracts and their utilization"" Research on evolution of system of rice plant sheath blight disease cause bacterium in Indo-China peninsula"" Study on bio control of soilborn plant pathogens using harbal plants and spice plants"" Study on the phylogeny of Rhizoctonia species" |
International Development Section | Professor | HYAKUMURA Kimihiko | "Natural Resource Management in Southeast Asia" " Research on edible insect in tropical countries" " Researech on illegal logging"" Policy researc on REDD plus" |
Associate Professor |
OZAKI Akinori | "Study on Understanding the Relations between Thermal Stratification Inversion and Fisheries Disease in Aquaculture Ponds"" Clarification of Thermal Stratification Inversion Process and Mechanism in Small-Scale Closed Water Body"" Heavy metal contamination in Asian large river delta"" Study on Efficient Arrangement of Aerator in Aquacultural Ponds"" Study on Effect of Aquatic Vegetation on a Convection Flow in Closed Water Body"" Income Generation for BOP farmer by ICT Agricultural Information Support" |
Environmental Control Center for Experimental Biology
Research Field | Position | Name | Research Interests |
Division of the Support of Biological Experiments | Professor | YOSHIDA Satoshi | "Applied technology of sand-ponics under LED light in advanced horticultural production" "Physiological function and growth of plant roots in advanced horticultural production" "Application of area of Japan" greenhouse cooling for horticultural production in the Southeast |
Division of the Application for Controlled Environment | Associate Professor |
EGUCHI Toshihiko | "Analyses of environmental effects on translocation and storage of photoassimilates in plants" |