
To enable a more flexible education and research system, Kyushu University faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduates belong to one of three organizations: Faculty, Graduate Schools, and Undergraduate, respectively.

This enables education and research guidance that transcends the boundaries of individual faculties and graduate schools, rather than being limited to the conventional education and research guidance of only the individual faculty and graduate school to which they belong. The Faculty of Agriculture also follows this system, consisting of three organizations: the Faculty of Agriculture, to which faculty members belong; the Graduate School of Bioresource & Bioenvironmental Sciences, to which graduate students belong; and the School of Agriculture, to which undergraduate students belong.

The School of Agriculture consists of four courses covering 11 fields of study, and has a comprehensive educational system that can be likened to a mini-university. The School of Agriculture has also established International Courses to accept international and Japanese students.

The Graduate School of Bioresource & Bioenvironmental Sciences offers 9 educational courses under 4 majors.

The Faculty of Agriculture has four research divisions to which faculty members belong and is actively engaged in making social and international contributions in addition to its education and research activities.