
Research Interests
“Nano-/bio-architectonics of structural polysaccharides”
“Biomedical and cosmetic research on nano-polysaccharides”
“Xeno-free regenerative medicine by nano-polysaccharides”
“Dental pulp stem cell culture using nano-polysaccharides”
“Development of immunoadjuvants using natural nano-polysaccharides as novel medical modalities”
“Development of marine biodegradable wood-mimetic spherical microparticles in cosmetic applications”
Outline Activities
Structural polysaccharides such as cellulose, the skeletal framework of wood cell walls, are not just macromolecules, but have unique nanostructures built in a hierarchical manner during biosynthesis. The only-one features of living organisms and biomaterials, accumulated in a bottom-up manner through their biological activities, are the secrets of nature, which will probably be impossible to synthesize in an artificial way. These nanostructures, realized by the regular arrangement of simple molecules, are ubiquitous in nature, and are very attractive as a stage for creating new materials. I am fascinated by "cellulose nanofibers", the ultrafine nanofibers that support giant trees, and I have devoted myself to research in the biomedical and cosmetic fields to explore the "unknown functions" inspired by the nanostructures of natural polysaccharides.
1. Development of xeno-free (animal components-free) biomaterials for regenerative medicine
The cells that make up our bodies are surrounded by fibrous materials such as collagen and polysaccharides with regular structures. By focusing on the unique nanostructures of wood-derived nanofibers to mimic the in vivo cellular microenvironments, we are challenging the controlled culture of stem cells useful for xeno-free regenerative medicine (xeno-free: containing no components derived from other animal species to avoid the risk of immune rejection or infection).
2. Development of immunoadjuvants to enhance the efficacy of vaccines against infectious diseases
Vaccines have played a crucial role in the fight against infectious diseases and cancer, but their susceptibility to the human body still remains an issue due to the personal immune variation. We have discovered that a novel Pickering emulsion using natural polysaccharide nanofibers as an emulsifier can significantly activate human immunity, and we are challenging to develop its function as an immunoadjuvant.
3. Development of marine-biodegradable wood-mimetic spherical microparticles for cosmetic applications
Marine biodegradability of materials is extremely important to solve the problem of marine pollution caused by microplastics. Plants and trees are safe and secure materials that have been biodegraded by marine microorganisms for 380 million years. Therefore, we are challenging to develop core-shell microparticles from wood components, and promoting the "Sea Forest Project" to develop new materials that can be biodegraded and capture carbon dioxide, a cause of global warming, in the ocean.
Ecosystems Materials Science inspired by nature enables both the preservation of the Earth’s environment and the sustainable development of human society. We are exploring new agricultural sciences that go beyond the conventional framework of agricultural science, such as biomedical and cosmetic research that makes the most of the blessings of forests. We invite you to join us at the cutting edge and the frontiers of forest materials science. Let's open up a new world with your own free ideas and motivation.
Educational Activities
Undergraduate School
Fundamental Bio-organic Chemistry II
Biomaterial Science
Wood Polysaccharides Chemistry
Biomolecular Chemistry
Laboratory Course of Basic Organic Chemistry
Laboratory Course of Forest Measurement
Laboratory Course of Wood Chemistry
Biomaterial Science Laboratory
Science English
Seminar in Graduation Thesis
Graduate School
【Master’s Course】
Biomaterials Chemistry
Advanced studies in Sustainable Bioresources Science I, II
Project research in Sustainable Bioresources Science
Practice I, II on Sustainable Bioresources Science
Teaching practice in Sustainable Bioresources Science
Presentation skill for academic meeting I, II
Presentation skill for academic meeting
【Doctoral Course】
Advanced topics on Sustainable Bioresources Science
Tutorial on Sustainable Bioresources Science
Research training on Sustainable Bioresources Science
Presentation skill for academic meeting I, II
Presentation skill for academic meeting
Project research