Professor KUME Atsushi and his research group have revealed that street trees also become healthier as a result of air pollution control measures
Professor ANAI Toyoaki and his research team have identified a gene conferring resistance to bacterial pustule in soybeans
Harnessing microwave flow reaction to convert biomass into useful sugars
Professor KUME Atsushi and his research group have discovered that the color of the sky as perceived by plants changes daily
Professor KOKITA Tomoyuki and his research team have, for the first time, elucidated hidden population-specific adaptations in a marine biological resource found around the coastal waters of Japan.
MATSUI Yuki and his research team discovered two new moth species that likely evolved uniquely in the Ogasawara Islands!
Associate Professor KATAYAMA Ayumi and her research group have demonstrated that the installation of deer fences prevents the decline in the growth of beech trees and the reduction in soil microbial diversity
Associate Professor TSUBAKI Shuntaro and his research group achieved "ultra" rapid pyrolysis of biomass by spatially separating the microwave electric and magnetic fields
Assistant Professor MISHINA Tappei and his research group have revealed the history of the "mythical monster fish" Akame through genome analysis.
Associate Professor TSUBAKI Shuntaro and his research group have developed a zeolite catalyst that can be heated up using microwaves to speed up the conversion of fatty acid esters to olefins.