2024.12.26 Admissions

[Admissions] International Undergraduate Program: Online Application Now Open!

2024.12.25 Topics

[Topics] Signing Ceremony of Agreement on Academic Cooperation with CIFOR-ICRAF

2024.12.20 Research

[Research] Professor KOKITA Tomoyuki and his research team have, for the first time, elucidated hidden population-specific adaptations in a marine biological resource found around the coastal waters of Japan.

2024.12.18 Topics

[Topics] The research and development led by Professor Mako NAKAMURA as been selected for the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries' "FY2023 Food Tech Business Demonstration Project."

2024.12.18 Others

[Recruitment] (Zoology) Recruitment of Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University

2024.12.18 Research

[Research] Professor YASUO Shinobu and her research group have discovered that the circadian clocks in female mice are more vulnerable to chronic jet lag than those in male mice.

2024.12.13 Research

[Research] MATSUI Yuki and his research team discovered two new moth species that likely evolved uniquely in the Ogasawara Islands!

2024.12.11 Research

[Research] Prof. KITAOKA and his research group have successfully achieved the direct activation of human immune cells by controlling the interfacial structures of crab nanofibers.

2024.12.10 Event

[Event] Symposium hosted by Kyushu University Graduate School of Future Co-Creation Leader Development Program "Development of Problem-Solving Education in Graduate Schools: How to Cultivate Deep Expertise and Multifaceted Perspectives" to be held.

2024.12.02 Topics

[Topics] 2024 Fresh rice from Kyushu University Farm: "Kinmemai Campaign" now on!