MORITA Yasuhiro

Research Interests
"Elucidate the relationship between the microbiome, productivity, and disease in ruminant livestock"
"Generate novel husbandry management system using remote sensing systems in livestock"
"Improve of livestock production under heat condition"
Outline Activities
I’ve been conducting a wide range of research in animal husbandry, reproduction, and genetics in Japan and Southeast Asian countries for improving cattle productivity under heat conditions. In recent years, I’ve been conducting physiological research for improving livestock production with ICT systems and research elucidating the relationship between the microbiome, including rumen, intestinal, genital microflora, and productivity and disease. My researches aim to generate novel livestock production that will last into the future.
Agriculture and livestock sciences are important studies to help food production and human health. Also, they are interrelated with various other studies such as life science, environmental science, and economics. We should always keep our eyes open for thinking about various issues without sticking to a single viewpoint or position, and we can make big discoveries. Let's generate future livestock farming.
Educational Activities
Undergraduate School
Science of Ecosystem
Biostatistical Analysis
Feed and grassland Science
Practice of Field Work
Practice of Field Work I-V
Environmental and Ecological Science for Animal Production
Graduate School
Lecture of Animal and Aquatic Resource Conservation
Advance Lecture on Animal Science in Field