KATAKURA Yoshinori

Research Interests
“Anti-brain aging effect of carnosine and its molecular basis”
“Molecular basis for anti-aging foods”
“Molecular basis for aging and its application to invenstion of anti-aging foods”
“Generation of antigen-specific human monoclonal antibody by in vitro immunization”
“Mass-production of recombinant protein in mammalian cells”
Outline Activities
1. Elucidation of functionalities of food and its application to generation of anti-aging food.
2. Molecular basis for signaling cascades regulating senescence, aging and longevity and its application to anti-aging therapy
3. Regulation mechanisms of telomerase activity
Lectures, "Systems Biological Science", "Cellular Functional Technology", "Anti-aging food technology", "Physical Science", "Analytical Chemistry Experiment", "Basic Bacterial Experiment", "Cellular Biology", "Molecular and Cellular Biology".
Educational Activities
Undergraduate School
Graduate School
Advanced in Cellular Function Technology
Master's Thesis Research II
Seminar in a Specified Field II
Master's Thesis