
Associate Professor

UENO Takatoshi

Research Interests

“Biological control with insect natural enemies”
“Manipulation of reproduction and behavior of beneficial insect natural enemies”
“Behavioral ecology and life history evolution in parasitoid wasps”


Outline Activities

The focus of my research group is the ecology and behavior of insect parasitoids and predators.One of the major research programs in our laboratory is directed toward the reproductive strategy of polyphagous parasitoids such as Pimpla spp. and Itoplectis naranyae. This research program involves a variety of aspects that are associated with the strategy, e.g. defense, development, learning, host searching, host discrimination, sex allocation, host feeding, cost of reproduction, egg production,mating etc. Host-parasitoid interactions are also my interests, and I work on dipteran leafminers (Liriomyza spp.)-eulophid parasitoid systems to reveal the coevolutionary aspects of host defense versus parasitoid searching tactics.My research interests also focus on the biological control of insect pests.This research involves developing effective methods for mass-rearing of natural enemies including Orius spp. and leafminer parasitoids such as Hemiptarsenus varicornis. I also work on biological control of alfalfa weevil with an introduced parasitoid, Bathyplectis anurus, and on parasitoids attacking Asian corn borer and tea leaf roller, in order to reveal their role in controlling the pest populations.Besides I am interested in the determinants of species diversity at several scales, and am working on flower beetles and other insects to explore what factors determine the species diversity on islands.


Educational Activities

Undergraduate School

Biorogy Control I, II

Graduate School

Advanced Topics in Agrobiology
Use of natural enemies and environmentally
Biological Resources: Utilization and Conservation
Agrobiological Science
Master's Thesis Research II
Seminar in a Specified Field II
Master's Thesis