Research Interests
“Application of AI to Biotechnology”
“Construction of artifical gene network by synthetic biology”
“Improvement of biofuel production by metabolic engineering”
Outline Activities
Research and Education
By selecting functionally known biomolecular parts and designing DNA like writing a program, and then artificially reconstructing these within model organisms, it has become somewhat possible to execute specific purposes. Such genetic expression control systems, designed and reconstructed by combining functionally known biomolecular parts, are called 'artificial gene circuits'. Artificial genetic circuits are expected to find applications in various engineering fields, such as metabolic control aimed at chemical production and the construction of biosensors. Our research involves constructing artificial genetic circuits, applying them to microbial substance production to enhance productivity, and conducting education and research in AI and biotechnology.
Editorial Board, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering (2009-2013)Editorial Advisory Board, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2006-2013)Member of Electrical Information Committee in The Society for Biotechnology, Japan (2006-2011)
Artificial genetic circuits, synthetic metabolic pathways, AI, and other new fields of study will surely enrich our lives in the future. Won't you all dive into this new world and give your all in research?
Educational Activities
Undergraduate School
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Synthetic Biology
Graduate School
Advanced in Systems Biotechnology
Advanced in Synthetic Biology
Project research in Systems Bioengineering
Practice I, II on Systems Bioengineering
Advanced studies in Systems Bioengineering I, II
Master's Thesis