EGUCHI Toshihiko

Research Interests
“Analyses of environmental effects on translocation and storage of photoassimilates in plants”
Outline Activities
Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity and light intensity strongly affect crop productivity. To make an optimal condition for crop production, I am working on the elucidation of environmental effects on the growth and development of storage organs in crop plants, especially in sweetpotatoes. A storage root, or a tuberous root, of sweetpotato is a root having a region of localized thickening, and the storage organ grows below ground. I developed a new method for on-line measurement of diurnal change in tuberous root growth under the controlled environments. This system is also applicable for the growth analysis of potato tuber. By using the system, I found that the tuberous root growth was affected by humidity condition of the shoot through leaf transpiration. Temperature condition of the fibrous root also had a strong effect on the tuberous root growth as well as tuberous root temperature. Furthermore, I am trying to elucidate the mechanism of the tuberous root formation. I have already obtained the cultivation technique that ensures the formation of the storage organ in a specific part of a specific root. I am searching exogenous and endogenous factors required for the tuberous root formation using the technique now.