HAMAOKA Norimitsu

Research Interests
“Environmental stress responses in crops”
“Studies on the yield and quality of Yam varieties (Dioscorea spp.)”
“Studies on the High-yielding Rice Cultivation Using Near-isogenic Line for Large Sink Size”
“Responses of Photosynthesis and Dry Matter Production to Different Nitrogen Conditions in the AA Genome Oryza Species”
Outline Activities
“Understanding the ecophysiology of tropical crops and its application for agricultural production.” My research focuses on tropical and subtropical crops (mainly yams and rice) to elucidate eco-physiological traits that can contribute to improved agricultural productivity, and to establish new cultivation systems based on them. In addition, through international joint research with Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries, we are involved in development of new crop varieties adapted to local environment and in creation of high crop production systems. By promoting tropical crop science research, we would like to give back the results obtained to agriculture in tropics and subtropics in the future.
Educational Activities
Undergraduate School
Topics in Tropical Crop Science I, II