


Research Interests

“Excavation of domestic fast growing hardwoods suitable for interior”“Excavation of domestic fast growing hardwoods suitable for interior”“Study on new demands for unused hardwood recources”” Wood quality of fast growing tree species planted in Africa and Asia”” Visualizations of degradation of wood during weathering using LVSEM techniques”” Visualizations of shrinkage, collapse and microcracks with wood drying using microscopic techniques”” Evaluation of Wood Quality and Cultivation of Fast Growing Trees for Sustainable Wood Utilization”” Relationship of Wood Anatomical Features to Permeability, Fixation and Leaching of Preservatives”” Black heartwood formation of Cryptomeria japonica”” Wood quality on large-diameter domestic species from high aged-class plantation forest.”


Outline Activities

1. Relationship of Wood Anatomical Features to Permeability and Fxation of Preservatives.
2. Black heartwood formation of Cryptomeria japonica.
3. Evaluation of Wood Quality and Cultivation of Fast Growing Trees for Sustainable Wood Utilization“
4. Shrinkage and Anisotropy of Tracheid Cells with Desorption using CLSM or LV-SEM.
5. Formation and Properties of Root Wood.


Educational Activities

Undergraduate School

Graduate School