
Assistant Professor


Research Interests

“Catalysts synthesis for food process engineering and microwave-assisted catalytic sterilization systems”
“Utilization of spent nanomaterials from water treatment applications in the catalytic pyrolysis of food waste”


Outline Activities

Catalytic materials are well-known for their significant role in the efficient and cost-effective occurrence of chemical reactions. In this regard, we aim to synthesis catalysts with unique properties to be utilized in food process applications. We will consider the synthesis of transition metals- and rare earth elements-based catalysts owing to their remarkable catalytic performance when used as active components or catalyst supports. Furthermore, we aim to investigate the potential of the spent nanomaterials (metallic and hybrid) from the experimental removal of aqueous pollutants from water for the catalytic pyrolysis of food waste.


The interdisciplinarity between chemical engineering, materials chemistry, and agri-bio processes will be critical for our research progress. Thus, the utilization of the expertise from different divisions and the involvement of more than one discipline will contribute to the target outcome of our research goals, hence to the enrichment of the scientific community knowledge.

Educational Activities

Undergraduate School

Graduate School