Research Interests
“Molecular mechanism of mating type switching in methylotrophic yeast”
“Regulation of cytoplasmic microtubuels in methylotrophic yeast”
Outline Activities
Dr. Maekawa studies the regulatory mechanisms of sexual and asexual reproduction (cell division), mainly in methylotrophic budding yeasts. Research topics include: the molecular mechanism and regulation of Flip-flop type secondary homothallism in methylotrophic yeast, the regulation of the mating type gene expression in primary homothallism in budding yeast, the interaction of the cell cycle and microtubule cytoskeleton regulations in fungi, and establishing industrial yeast strains with improved mating ability.
In educational activities, she is in charge of supporting international students in the Faculty, as well as managing the International Graduate Program. She also teaches classes mainly in international programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Sex is an important trait in microorganisms as well as higher eukaryotes. Homothallic sexual system that some yeast species developed is believed to have contributed to the survival of the species. I am interested in the reproductive strategy of yeast and am trying to elucidate the molecular mechanism for switching the mating type (sex) and how it arose during evolution. I am also involved in promoting the internationalization of the faculty so that both Japanese and international students can develop an international mindset.
Educational Activities
Undergraduate School
Introduction of Japanese Agriculture I, II
Agricultural Field Visit 2
Graduate School
Fundamental Research Skills
Advanced Japanese Agriculture I, II
Development of Asian Agriculture and Technology I