TANAKA Fumihiko

Research Interests
“Estimation of gas and thermal diffusivity of fruits by using 3D heat and mass transfer model”
“Improvment of drying efficiency of animal feed rice with milling”
“Development of Biological Hazard Analysis System of Food”
“Modeling and optimization of food and agricultural processing systems by using CAE/CFD”
“CFD Modeling of steam infusion pasteurization of liquid foods”
“Stochastic modeling in heat and mass transfer in food processing”
“Modeling of moisture transfer of low-moisture-rice packed with film”
“Stochastic Modeling and Optimizing Pneumatic Drying of Rice Powder”
“A coupled analysis on moisture diffusion and hygroscopic swelling of grains during the soaking process”
Outline Activities
1. Monte Carlo simulation of radiation heating of foods and agricultural products
2. Development of biological hazard analysis system of food by computational fluid dynamics approach
3. Determination and modeling of pathogen survival associated with seafood and poultry cooked by microwave ovens
4. Modeling heat and mass transfer during freezing/thawing for system and food quality optimization
5. Analysis of dielectric properties of food materials
6. Studies on thermal properties of food materials
7. Modeling of sweet potato hot water treatment for sprout control
8. Simulation of quasi-steady and unsteady cooler exit temperature and humidity in a cold store by artificial neural network
9. Stochastic simulation of microbial growth and inactivation
10. Stochastic modeling of food processing
11. Modeling and optimization of food and agricultural processing systems by using CAE/CFD
12. Development of re-wetting model for rice grain packaged with polymer films
13. A coupled analysis on moisture diffusion and hygroscopic swelling of grains during the soaking process
14. Modeling of UV dose distribution on fresh fruits for surface decontamination
Under graduate school: Farm structures, Applied thermodynamics
Graduate school: Advanced study on thermodynamics
Educational Activities
Undergraduate School
Exercise in bio-production system engineering
Postharvest Engineering I, II
Heat Engineering
Applied Heat Engineering I, II
Outline of Agriculturtal Machinery and Postharvest Science
Seminar in Graduation Thesis
Science English
Graduate School
Advanced Postharvest Technology