


Research Interests

"Microtubule dynamics in yeast and fungi"
"Microtubule cytoskeleton proteins"


Outline Activities

Course director of International Undergraduate program (IUP) in Bioresouce and Bioenvironent .
Teaching Chemistry and Biochemistry courses in IUP.
Promotion of IUP at University Fair events and online.
Faculty member of the School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation teaching classes in biochemistry, molecular biology, problem-based learning, and scientific English.


I am mainly involved in undergraduate teaching in courses taught in English in Bioresource and Bioenvironment and the School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation. I promote these courses to international and Japanese students through University Fairs and Online events. My main research interest is in microtubule cytoskeleton proteins particularly microtubule dynamics in yeast and fungi.

Educational Activities

Undergraduate School

Technical Communication 3
Analytical Chemistry I, II
Bio-organic Chemistry I, II
BBEP C-I; Analytical chemistry
BBEPe C-II; Natural products chemistry

Graduate School