

Watanabe Atsushi

Research Interests

“Molecular genetics and gene expression profiling associated with Pine Wilt Disease toward protection of Pine forest in Japan”
“Understanding of the root-inducing signal in Cryptomeria japonica”
“Selection of Toxicodendron species which quantity of sap flow is improved using Molecular techniques”
“Identification of Rhododendron cultivar using DNA barcoding”
“Several studies associated with Forest Tree Breeding in Japan”
“Forest management using DNA marker and GIS”


Outline Activities


Educational Activities

Undergraduate School

Silviculture I, II
Science English
Forest Products Science

Graduate School

Forest and Forestry Sciences
Advanced Silviculture, Project research in Forest Sciences
Practice I, II on Forest Sciences
Advanced studies in Forest Sciences I, II
Master's Thesis
Forest and Forestry Sciences (IGP)