
Research Interests
“Taxonomic and phylogenetic studies of marine and freshwater macroalgae”
“Conservation and Ecological studies of benthic marine and freshwater algae”
“A study of phytoremediation using aquatic plants, especially seaweeds”
“Phylogenetic, taxonomic, and life history studies on marine macroalgae; Studies on utilization of valuable marine algal resources”
Outline Activities
(key words: biodiversity, aquaculture)
I am broadly interested in systematics and biogeography of marine macroalgae. In particular, I am focusing on species of seaweeds that are commercially valuable in fisheries science. In addition to this, I am interested in seaweed aquaculture. Porphyra ('nori'), Undaria ('Wakame') and Laminaria ('Konbu') are major sources of algal mariculture, but there are more edible seaweeds in Japan, which are consumed locally but are not utilized broadly at present. I would like to explore and develop such species as novel seaweed resources.
For undergraduate students in School of Agriculture: Basic Biology Laboratory (anatomy of invertebrates); Fisheries Biology Laboratory I (algae).
For undergraduate students as general education: Natural Science Experiments (Biology)
Educational Activities
Undergraduate School
Phycology I, II
Introduction to Sea Farming