
Aquatic Molecular Developmental Biology

Studying the evolutionary and developmental mechanisms of sexual characteristics that have led to diversity in reproduction.

Associate Professor: OGINO Yukiko
Assistant Professor:

Research Interests

1. Mechanisms of development and differentiation of sexual characteristics in teleost fishes
2. Genetic basis of diversification of male ornamental shape and reproductive behavior
3. Mechanisms of action of sex steroid hormones and endocrine disruptors, and creation of fish for environmental monitoring

How have differences in external morphology and behavior between males and females been formed and evolved? 

The evolution of sexual dimorphism is a familiar phenomenon from Charles Darwin's theory of sexual selection. However, the molecular mechanisms of its phenotypic evolution remain largely unclear. In our laboratory, we are studying the evolutionary and developmental mechanisms of sexual characteristics such as male-specific morphologies and behaviors by particularly focusing evolution of steroid hormone receptors and interspecific differences in their downstream regulators. We are also analyzing the mechanisms of action of sex steroid hormones and endocrine disruptors and generating fish for environmental monitoring.

Keyword of Research Area

Animals, Behavior, Environment, Fisheries, Genes, Genome, Hormones