Bioresources and Management
Studies on behavior and ecology of insects in natural- and agro-ecosystems, biological control of invasive pests, and development of odor detection systems using insects.

Research Interests
1. Ecology of invasive pests
2. Behavior and ecology of parasitic bees, which are natural enemy insects
3. Biological control and scent detection using parasitic bees
In recent years, due to the increase in international-scale logistics, non-native organisms have invaded new locations, causing major problems such as the eradication of native species, damage to crops, and environmental degradation. When non-native organisms adversely affect people, animals, crops, or the environment after they invade a new place and become so-called pests, they are called invasive pests. Our laboratory conducts research to elucidate the mechanisms by which invasive pests become pests, such as invasion, establishment, distribution expansion, and outbreaks, as well as to evaluate the effects of invasive organisms on other organisms and ecosystems. We also conduct research on the behavior and ecology of introduced natural enemies, especially parasitic bees, which are effective in controlling invasive pests, and their use.Our laboratory conducts research on insect ecology, behavior, physiology, and pest control through field surveys and field and laboratory experiments not only in Japan but also in Southeast Asia, Africa, and the U.S. We are also working to establish an international plant quarantine and quarantine administration system and an international phytosanitary network by utilizing our research results. We are also working on the construction of an international plant quarantine network and an administrative system for international plant protection and quarantine.