
Insect Natural Enemies

Studies on biology, ecology and population dynamics of pests and their natural enemies for the establishment of biological control-based integrated pest management.

Professor: TSUDA Midori
Associate Professor: UENO Takatoshi
Assistant Professor:

Research Interests

1. Biological control of insect pests by predatory and parasitic natural enemies
2. Biological control of vegetable pests and weeds
3. Evaluation of the impact of introduced natural enemies on the ecosystem
4. Biological control of pests using beneficial insects
5. Manipulation of reproductive behavior of beneficial natural enemy insects
6. Behavioral ecology and life history evolution of parasitoid bees
7. Evolutionary maintenance mechanism of intra-population polymorphism
8. Ecological factors and gene expression related to parasitoid shift
9. Relationship between plant-parasite-parasitoid bee system persistence and genetic diversity/species diversity
10. Effects of global warming, increasing CO₂ concentration, and the number of introduced natural enemy species on biological control systems
11. Relationships between non-native invasive organisms, mechanisms, and intracellular symbionts
12. Detection of non-linear mechanisms from population dynamicsTranslated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

The Laboratory of Insect Natural Enemies conducts basic and applied research on biological control of pests through the use of parasitic and predatory natural enemies.

Keyword of Research Area

Behavior, Bioprotection, Bioresources, Climate Change, Ecosystem, Environment, Genome, Grain, Insects, Life, Microbes, Plants, Smart Agriculture