

Phylogenetic and developmental genetic studies on regulatory mechanisms as well as diversity of mammalian stem cell differentiation and germ cell formation.

Associate Professor: IWAMORI Naoki
Assistant Professor:

Research Interests

1. Elucidation of gene functions involved in epigenetics
2. Epigenetic research in enetically engineered mice using genome editing technology
3. Regulatory mechanisms of self-renewal and differentiation of tissue stem cells
4. Tissue induction and analysis using ES cells and establishment of new iPS cells
5. Sex-specific epigenetic regulation
6. Mechanisms underlying senescence and long-term production of sperm stem cells
7. Sperm fertilization mechanisms

The Laboratory of Zoology was established as the First Department of Zoology at the inauguration of the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University (1920), and has the longest history in the Faculty of Agriculture of Kyushu University, belonging to the Department of Agricultural Science when it was established. At the time of its establishment, it belonged to the Department of Agricultural Science, and is now a member of the Division of Biological Resources Science. At the time of its establishment, the department was engaged in research on phylogenetic classification, ecology, and reproductive mechanisms of marine organisms and small mammals. Currently, in addition to morphological research methods, we are promoting research based on gene and protein analysis, aiming to elucidate the reproductive mechanisms of mammals from the viewpoint of developmental biology. In particular, we have published numerous research results on the molecular structure, morphogenesis, and flagellar motility of spermatozoa, with a focus on spermatology. We also promote research on epigenetic regulation mechanisms of sperm stem cell differentiation.

Keyword of Research Area

Animals, Genome