Marine Environmental Science
Monitoring of chemical pollution in aquatic environment, evaluation of single and mixture effects of chemicals on aquatic organisms, function analysis of xenobiotic binding protein in blood of fish, development of removal technology of contaminated sediment, clarification of developmental mechanism of red tide, and physiological and ecological study of red tide organisms.

Research Interests
1. Research on the combined toxicity of chemicals and microplastics
2. Functional analysis of TBT-bps, a novel fish lipocalin protein
3. Ecology and toxicity of red tide algae
4. Toxicity assessment of chemical substances
5. Environmental pollution monitoring
Since its establishment in 1978 as the Laboratory of Fisheries Biology and Environmental Studies, the Laboratory of Fisheries Biology and Environmental Studies has been working on various environmental problems occurring in the aquatic environment with the aim of "restoring the aquatic environment destroyed by human activities".Based on a wide range of experimental methods, including analytical chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, and behavior, we are currently investigating the effects of environmental pollutants (chemical substances and microplastics) on aquatic organisms (their combined effects on accumulation and metabolism, behavior, and reproductive activities) and their countermeasures, as well as the mechanism of red tide, which causes significant damage to fish and shellfish, and the development of countermeasures to mitigate its effects. We are conducting research on the mechanisms of red tide, which causes significant damage to fish and shellfish, and on the development of measures to mitigate the damage.