Fisheries Biology
Studies on ecological and evolutionary genomics of phenotypic diversification in fishes, mechanisms of evolution, maintenance, and dynamics of fish intraspecific and species diversity, and phylogenetic relationships and life history diversity of algae

Research Interests
1. Behavioral ecological genomics of fish reproductive strategies
2. Mechanisms for local adaptation and ecological speciation in marine environments
3. Evolutionary genomics of polyploidy and reproductive traits of fishes
4. Biodiversity and conservation of marine and freshwater macroalgae
Our laboratory was established in 1942 as the second laboratory of Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University. The laboratory has been responsible for education and research in ichthyology (especially fish ecology) and algae (especially algal systematics) as the basis for the propagation, sustainable use, and conservation of aquatic bioresources. Based on this tradition, we are currently conducting research in the field of aquatic biodiversity science, combining field science and advanced technologies in genomics and life sciences.