Marine Biology
Studies on the molecular and endocrinolgical mechanism of sex determination, sex differentiation, sex change and gametogenesis in fish, development of seed production and genome editing techniques in industrial fish, experimental fisheries biology on early growth and survival in small pelagic fish.

Research Interests
1. Reproductive research: sexual maturation, sexual differentiation, and sexual plasticity
2. Development of new breeding technology based on molecular and cellular mechanisms
3. Solving problems at production sites and building sustainable aquaculture systems for the future.
Aquaculture is becoming increasingly important for food production in the hydrosphere, as the transformation of food due to global population growth and economic growth is expected to lead to a shortage of animal protein in the near future. For the sustainable development of aquaculture, which is growing rapidly worldwide, and for the sustainable use of limited fishery resources, it is essential to understand in detail the mechanisms of reproduction of the underlying marine organisms.We conduct basic research on molecular, cellular, and physiological mechanisms of life phenomena centering on sexuality and reproduction using experimental models such as chub mackerel, Japanese anchovy, tiger pufferfish, and sexually transgenic fish (wrasse), as well as research and development on new life science technologies for future fisheries, such as genome editing technology and stem cell manipulation. We also conduct research and development on new life science technologies such as genome editing and stem cell manipulation.