
Plant Pathology

Diagnosis of plant diseases caused by various pathogenic microorganisms, detection, identification of pathogens, and epidemical study, basic and applied research on the development of biological control, research on pathogenic and host-range determination mechanisms based on genome comparison.

Professor: Furuya Naruto
Associate Professor: Iiyama Kazuhiro
Assistant Professor:

Research Interests

1. Identification, detection of plant pathogens, and epidemiological study
2. Development of biological control of difficult-to-control diseases
3. Research on pathogenicity and host-range determination mechanisms based on comparative genomic analysis of phytopathogenic bacteria

Most plant diseases are caused by microorganisms. Diseases occur when pathogen-susceptible plants encounter pathogens and environmental conditions are favorable. In our laboratory, we are conducting basic and applied research to elucidate the ecology of plant and crop diseases and the characteristics and functions of plant pathogens using a wide range of perspectives and techniques, including microbiology, physiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, molecular genetics, and ecology, and to develop environmentally friendly, ecosystem-conscious pest control methods. In addition, we are conducting research on pathogenicity and host range determination mechanisms based on genomic comparisons of plant pathogenic bacteria.

Keyword of Research Area

Agriculture, Bioprotection, Bioresources, Genes, Genome, Microbes, Plants, Soil