
Erosion Control

Studies on erosion control in forests, landslide and forest slope stability, meteorological studies on condition of landslide disasters under the climate change, early warning system of landslide disaster in mountainous areas, torrent and its riparian environment, forest road design and revegitation works.

Professor: SHUIN Yasuhiro
Associate Professor: MIZUNO Hideaki
Assistant Professor:

Research Interests

1. Research on evaluation of disaster prevention and mitigation functions of forests
2. Research on the physical mechanisms of soil water movement phenomena

Forests prevent erosion and collapse of slopes, rockfall, avalanches, mudslides, and landslides. They also prevent and mitigate disasters by reducing the flow of water and air, and they preserve the soil and provide clean air and water. These functions vary greatly depending on the conservation management of forests. We are studying the effects of different forest conservation management on the prevention and mitigation of disasters caused by forests.

Keyword of Research Area

Climate, Climate Change, Disaster, Environment, Forest and Forestry, Soil