
Forest Management

Studies on silvicultural systems for sustainable forest management, forest resource monitoring and assessment combining field survey and remote sensing, optimization of spatiotemporal distribution of forest stands based on mathematical modeling, managing forest resources as socio-ecological systems.

Professor: MIZOUE Nobuya
Associate Professor: OHTA Tetsuji
Assistant Professor: CHIKAS SANTOS DANIEL

Research Interests

1.Research on forest management systems in conifer plantations and secondary evergreen broadleaf forests
2. Development and evaluation at forest monitoring systems
3. Research on sustainable forest management system in tropical forests in Southeast Asia.

Forest management is a continual improvement process informed by knowledge generation and changing needs. Achieving sustainability in forestry requires consideration of multiple criteria. These include, but are not limited to, socioeconomic benefit of forests, carbon sequestration, biodiversity and forest health.
At forest management laboratory, we focus on the research of sustainable management practices of temperate and tropical forest resources. Our activities include development and evaluation at forest monitoring systems, as well as assessment of forest management and conservation strategies.

Keyword of Research Area

Bioresources, Ecosystem, Environment, Forestry