
Microbial Technology

Studies on analysis of microbiota to understand complex and symbiotic microbial ecosystems in nature, and screening and analysis of microbes and novel microbial molecules, and their utilization. Particularly, we focus on (1) intestinal microbiology as an interface between food and health, and (2) structure, function and application of antimicrobial peptide termed “bacteriocin” produced by lactic acid bacteria.

Professor: NAKAYAMA Jiro
Associate Professor: ZENDO Takeshi
Assistant Professor:

Research Interests

1. Global gut microbiology contributing to human health
 We aim to understand gut microbial ecosystem as an interface between foods and host health in human being all over the world.
2. Research on antimicrobial peptides, bacteriocins
 We study antimicrobial peptides, bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria for applications as safe antimicrobial agents.

The mission of the Microbial Technology Laboratory is to educate students in the A to Z of applied microbiology and train them to become coherently proficient in this specialty, while developing research that makes advanced use of their knowledge and skills. Our research focuses on (1) structural and functional analysis of microbiota to understand complex and symbiotic microbial ecosystems, (2) screening and structure-function analysis of microorganisms and molecules, and (3) application of these microbial and molecular resources.

Keyword of Research Area

Bioresources, Biotechnology, Ecosystem, Fermentation, Food, Functional Foods, Genes, Genome, Health, Life, Microbes, Proteins