Food Hygienic Chemistry
Ensuring food safety and high quality
Advanced application of bacteriophages to control foodborne pathogens, Improvement of cold storage torelance of food based on molecular biological analysis, Characterization of foodborne pathogens, Bacterial stress response and persister control, Antibacterial and antitoxin effects of natural compounds, Rapid detection of foodborne pathogens, One Health Strategy in Agricultural Cultivation.

Research Interests
1. Reduction of contamination of agricultural products
2. Improvement of shelf life and freezing resistance of food products
3. Research on foodborne pathogens
4. Control of foodborne pathogens and spoilage bacteria
Our research interests include: elucidation of the mechanisms of damage and recovery of foodborne pathogens caused by stress in the food production and distribution processes; development of methods to prevent reattachment of foodborne pathogens to agricultural products; construction of a combined treatment method for efficient sterilization of agricultural products; development of a simultaneous detection system for major foodborne pathogens; elucidation of the mechanisms of antibacterial action of catechins; and breeding of frost-tolerant plants and plants by identifying various genes related to the expression of frost tolerance and introducing frost-tolerance genes that contribute to the development of cold and freezing resistance. In the past five years, we have conducted research on the identification of various genes related to the expression of frost resistance and the breeding of frost-resistant baker's yeast and plants by introducing genes that express frost resistance.In particular, during the past five years, we have been studying the control of foodborne bacteria (Escherichia coli O157:H7, Campylobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, Welsh bacillus, etc.), inhibition of biofilm formation, and inhibition of bacterial toxins, using plant polyphenols, food-derived antibacterial substances, bacteriophages, etc. We are also conducting research on the mechanism of acquisition of heat tolerance in food poisoning bacteria, research on antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and research on improving the freezing and storage properties of vegetables.