Food Chemical Biology
We elucidate "food function-executing molecules" and their mechanisms. Based on food chemical biology and molecular epidemiological approaches visualizing the precise behavior of food factors (FFs), we will discover a series of "FF-sensing molecules". We will attempt to elucidate "functional food pairing," and aim to apply the findings to the development of functional foods and drugs.

Research Interests
1. Identification of in vivo target molecules of functional food ingredients and their functional analysis
2. Analysis of functional RNA, microRNA, metabolite as new food function-executing molecules
3. Integrated analysis of functional expression and signaling of catechins via green tea catechin receptors
4. Analysis of cellular sensing mechanism of poorly absorbable food factors
5. Establishment of molecular basis for functional evaluation of food ingredients contributing to prevention of lifestyle-related diseases
6. Exploratory research on anti-metabolic syndrome effect of functional food ingredients
7. Development of new functional foods based on functional food pairing
Food functions can be divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary functions. Primary function refers to the function of nutrients in food for the organism. Secondary function refers to the sensory function of the specific structure of a food component. Tertiary function refers to the function of foods in enhancing immune function, preventing obesity, and inhibiting aging, and is also referred to as body condition regulation. In order to utilize the body condition regulating function of foods, our laboratory conducts research with the objectives of searching for functional ingredients contained in foods, elucidating their mechanisms of action, and constructing functional foods. To achieve these objectives, this laboratory uses animal cell cultures and laboratory animals as well as human interventional trials, analysis of liquid biopsy, to confirm the functionality of food components and elucidate their mechanisms of action, making full use of biochemical, genetic engineering, molecular epidemiological, and metabolomics methods. Our research targets fat-soluble components, antioxidant components, polyphenols, and plant microRNA as functional food components, and we are elucidating their bioactivities, such as immunomodulatory (anti-allergic) and anti-cancer effects, and prevention of metabolic syndrome and diabetes as well as improvement of cognitive function.