
Nutrition Chemistry

We are investigating how dietary factors influence our body. Main purpose of our study is to clarify the way to keep us healthy and best condition via modifying our dietary habit.

Professor: SATO Masao
Associate Professor:
Assistant Professor: TANAKA Yasutake

Research Interests

1. Effects of exogenous and endogenous oxycholesterols on lipid metabolism
2. Effects of food ingredients on development of obesity
3. Analysis of relation between serum fatty acid composition and disease
4. Identification of responsible genes for hypercholesterolemia of disease model animals
5. Effects of food ingredients on development of dyslipidemia and arteriosclerosis
6. Effects of food ingredients on lymphatic lipid transport
7. Research and development of rapid and sensitive micro-assay for the determination of rice lipids

We are investigating how dietary factors influence our body. Main purpose of our study is to clarify the way to keep us healthy and best condition via modifying our dietary habit. It consists of eight major themes as follows.

Keyword of Research Area

Agriculture, Animals, Bioresources, Biotechnology, Cells, Food, Functional Foods, Functional Materials, Genes, Health, Life, Metabolism, Nutrition