
Pesticide Chemistry

Development of biologically active compounds including pesticides, biostimulants, and drugs for plants and animals is our important task. Our laboratory approaches these subjects by organic synthesis involving the development of efficient synthetic methods. Research topics: Transition-metal-catalyzed syntheses of organoheteroatom compounds and their functions; Transition-metal-catalyzed chemical modifications of peptides/proteins and their functions.

Professor: ARISAWA Mieko
Associate Professor:
Assistant Professor: YAMADA Naotaka, KAWAI Yasutaka, HAN WEI

Research Interests

1. Synthesis of transition metal catalysts for novel organoheteroelement compounds
2. Development of homogeneous catalytic reactions in water for the creation of functional biomolecules
3. Design and creation of novel biologically active compounds

We conduct research on the development of novel organic chemical reactions and organic synthesis methodologies, providing a group of substances with essentially novel molecular frameworks and promoting research that integrates chemistry and biology. In particular, we conduct fundamental research leading to the discovery of new chemical and biological phenomena, principles and functions, and applied research on the development of agricultural chemicals and pharmaceuticals that respond appropriately to environmental stresses in plants and animals.

Keyword of Research Area

Agriculture, Animals, Design, Drug Discover, Functional Materials, Plants