
Plant Nutrition

In this laboratory, molecular mechanisms of various events in plants are investigating using model plant cell line tobacco BY-2, model plant Arabidopsis, as well as Brassica crops and a medicinal plant Pinellia ternata. Research topics: Protein modification, localization and protein degradation in plant cells: Molecular biological, physiological, and biochemical aspects of sulfur-related events in plants: Domestication of wild medicinal plant and identification of the biosynthetic pathway of medicinal compounds in it.

Professor: MATSUOKA Ken
Associate Professor:
Assistant Professor: KIKUCHI Masamichi

Research Interests

1. Molecular mechanisms of protein transport, employment, and degradation, and their nutritional responses
2. Structure and function of plant intracellular structures
3. Applied research on plant biotechnology
4. Regulation of sulfate absorption
5. Regulation of expression in response to nutritional stress
6. Regulation of biosynthesis of sulfur-containing compound glucosylates

Using model plants, practical crops, and medicinal plants as materials, the Laboratory of Plant Nutrition conducts basic and applied research on the intracellular dynamics and expression regulation of nutrient transporters, nutrient response and metabolism in plants, and substance production by genetically modified plants using techniques such as molecular biology, cell biology, genetics, analytical chemistry, and plant physiology. We are conducting basic and applied research on nutrition, response, cultivation, metabolism, and substance production by genetically modified plants.

Keyword of Research Area

Biotechnology, Cells, Genes, Metabolism, Nutrition, Plants, Proteins