
Agricultural and Farm Management

Sustainability of agricultural and farm management and regional networks, Dissemination of agricultural practices that take biodiversity and environmental conservation into consideration, Financial management of agricultural business and regional contribution activities, Adaptive behavior of farmers to changes in the business environment, including climate change.

Professor: INOUE Norikazu
Associate Professor:
Assistant Professor: UENISHI Yoshihiro

Research Interests

1. Business development and sustainability enhancement strategies of agricultural and farm management according to regional characteristics
2. Regional network formation of agricultural management
3. Resource-recycling and socially-contributing agricultural management and regional systems
4. Dissemination of cultivation technologies that contribute to biodiversity and environmental conservation
5. Financial analysis of agricultural businesses in comparison with other industries’ businesses
6. Farmers' Adaptive Actions to Climate Changes

Our education and research are conducted mainly from the perspective of agricultural business administration on planning, management, and extension for sustainable development of agricultural and farm management that realizes production of safe and secure food and conservation of the local environment. In addition, we have enrolled students not only from Japan but also from overseas, mainly from Asia, and are conducting research on overseas agricultural and farming issues from the perspective of agricultural business administration. We are also making efforts to promote study abroad and international exchange among Japanese students.

Keyword of Research Area

Agriculture, Behavior, Bioresources, Climate Change, Economy, Environment, Food, International agri system, Livestock, Marketing, Rural and Mountainous Areas