
Soil Science

Studies on the behavior of plant nutrient elements and pollutants in soils, methods of soil testing, soil formation processes and soil classification, behavior of carbon and phosphorus in soils, and conservation of ecosystems.

Professor: HIRADATE Syuntaro
Associate Professor:
Assistant Professor: MORI Yuki

Research Interests

1. Research on soil management for the conservation of grassland vegetation
2. Characterization of the ecosystem and material cycle of the Ogasawara Islands on the basis of the analysis of soil property and the past history recorded in the soils
3. Analysis of chemical form of phosphorus in soil
4. Dynamics of carbon in soils
5. Elucidation of the strategies of plants grown in acid soils
6. Soil survey research to clarify soil genesis and classification

In our laboratory, soils are investigated as mixtures of natural chemical substances including various minerals and organic matters to understand and conserve the natural environment, elucidate the relationship between plants and soils, and find countermeasures for contaminated soils. The research is conducted on the basis of clarification of the chemical characteristics of soils through soil surveys, chemical analysis, spectral analysis, simulations, etc., and it would contribute to the understanding of the agricultural and environmental ecosystems.

Keyword of Research Area

Agriculture, Bioprotection, Bioresources, Decarbonization, Ecosystem, Environment, Enzymes, Functional Materials, Nutrition, Plants, Recycling, Soil