
Water Environment Engineering

Studies on 1) sustainable water environment conservation and management in agricultural and rural area by environmental hydraulic, water quality engineering and environmental hydrology, 2) mathematical modeling for predicting and estimating water environment dynamics based on data mining method such as AI, 3) development of technology for water quality improvement, and 4) quantification of flood mitigation by hydraulic structures and development of flood forecasting method in agricultural and rural area.

Professor: HARADA Masayoshi
Associate Professor:
Assistant Professor: TABATA Toshinori

Research Interests

1. Closed water area group
2. Marine and Riverine Group

We conducts research on the conservation, improvement, and creation of local water resources in marine areas, rivers, lakes, marshes, and reservoirs, aiming at the sustainable development of agricultural and rural areas from mountainous regions to shallow coastal waters. For example, we are working to solve water environmental problems in water bodies where organic pollution and eutrophication have become apparent, to develop flood forecasting technology in agricultural and rural areas, and to maximize the flood mitigation function of hydraulic structures. The key to solving water environmental problems caused by water pollution and preventing natural disasters caused by floods during heavy rainfall is to “create a healthy water cycle and water quality environment. To briefly explain this, water environment conservation requires technology to appropriately control the flow of water in individual water bodies or basins, such as sea areas, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, and the associated movement (transport) of pollutants and contaminants. The specialized disciplines that support these technologies are environmental hydraulics, water quality engineering, and environmental hydrology. Major research activities include field observations of water quality and hydraulics in actual lakes, reservoirs, and rivers, laboratory experiments on water quality and hydraulics, and mathematical analysis of the dynamics of water environments within water bodies. All of these research approaches are based on applied water environment engineering based on environmental hydraulics, water chemistry, and environmental hydrology. The characteristics of the Water Environment Engineering Laboratory are: (1) acquisition of information on the water environment through the introduction of advanced water quality analysis techniques, (2) advanced mathematical analysis of water quality and hydraulic data based on fieldwork and data processing using Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, (3) analysis and prediction of the water environment through numerical simulation, and (4) analysis and prediction of the water environment through the use of the water quality and hydraulic data. (3) Analysis and prediction of water environment by numerical simulation. In particular, we are also conducting research on the application of AI technology, which has been attracting attention in recent years, to the control and management of aquatic environments.

Keyword of Research Area

Agriculture, Disaster, Distribution, Environment, Nutrition, Water Environment