
Plant Breeding

General and molecular genetics of plants and development of plant breeding methodology, with special emphasis of rice.

Professor: YASUI Hideshi
Associate Professor: YAMAGATA Yoshiyuki
Assistant Professor:

Research Interests

1. Rice gene mapping and cloning
2. Genetic and breeding studies of various ice traits
3. Research on the evolution and differentiation of cultivated rice plants
4. Cytogenetic studies on rice
5. Generation and utilization of rice experimental lines

Rice, one of the world's three major cereals, is one of the most important crops not only for Japan, but also for the world's food problems, since its production and consumption in developing countries are larger than those of other cereals. Rice is also attracting attention as a target plant for new breeding and plant genome research using biotechnology due to its small genome size, established transformation system, and well-developed genetic and breeding knowledge.

Keyword of Research Area

Genes, Genome, Grain, Plants