[Topics] Demonstrative experiment of 'electric powered radio-controlled mowing robot' will be conducted at The University Farm of Kyushu University.

2024.05.24 Topics
New type of mower that is eco-friendly and reduces labor
Mowing grass on a slope using "UNiMOWERS"

Demonstration experiment of 'UNiMOWERS', an electric radio-controlled mowing robot developed by UNIQ Corporation, will be conducted at Ito Campus in the University Farm on May to November 2024. 'UNiMOWERS' is a new type of electric powered mower that can be safely operated by radio control to mow grass on steep slopes and rough surfaces with many driving obstacles using a crawler belt drive mechanism. In this demonstration test, mowing will be carried out on steep slopes and other difficult-to-reach areas on farms to verify the operability and mowing efficiency of UNiMOWERS, as well as to conduct a trial of automated mowing.


In recent years, the need to reduce labor load through mechanization of agricultural work has become necessary due to reforms in work styles, etc., and automation of agricultural work is also desired. Although gasoline-powered weed whacker and mowers are the most common type, in recent years there has been a desire to decarbonize agricultural machinery, and regulations for gasoline-powered mowers have already started to be considered in part of the United States. Therefore, there is a demand for the development of eco-friendly and reduces labor mowers such as electric powered mower.

Electric radio-controlled mowing robot to be used for demonstration test "UNiMOWERS"

Even though it is dangerous, hard and routine work, mowing is an essential part of agriculture and green space management such as mountainous region. Therefore, mechanization of mowing is being actively promoted, mostly gasoline-engine type. 'UNiMOWERS' are lightweight because they are electrically powered, and can be operated safely and easily by radio control. In addition, it can contribute to decarbonization in the mechanization of mowing operations, because it is electrically powered.


Electric powered mowing robot is an eco-friendly breakthrough for weed management in green space. I hope that this demonstrative experiment will contribute to a meaningful technology that will be part of agriculture and green space management in friendly with the ecosystems.

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