[Topics]Donation to the Centennial Commemorative Project of the Faculty of Agriculture

2024.06.28 Latest News
Image of completed memorial building.jpg
Image of the Centennial Memorial Building

On the centennial of the founding of the Faculty of Agriculture in 2019, we have collected donations and have so far organized a commemorative ceremony and lecture, a commemorative tree planting, a commemorative celebration, and a commemorative publication.The remaining project is the construction of a memorial building.It will be constructed on the south lawn on the west side of West Bldg. No. 5. 5 years ago, we cut, dried, and prepared materials from the thinned cedar trees of the 98th grade in the Fukuoka Experiment Forest.Although the Corona disaster forced the postponement of the project, a student design competition was held and the best design was used as the basis for the implementation design.

*The student competition and the best entries wereBeCAT's website You can view it at
(Co-sponsored design competition:BeCAT(Architectural Research and Education Center for the Environment))

Interior Image

We are planning to build a memorial building with your donations, but due to the ever-increasing cost of transportation and rising prices, we are short of the amount of money needed to proceed with the construction work.We are truly sorry to ask you to make an additional donation, but we would like to ask you to make a donation toward our goal of 5 million yen.

Interior Image

The Faculty of Agriculture hopes that, upon completion of the memorial building, many people, including faculty, staff, current students, and alumni, will be able to use the space as a memorial exchange space open to the local community.

Therefore, we would appreciate your understanding and hopefully your support for this additional donation request.

〇Donation Method
Please download the donation application form, fill in the colored sections, and send it to the Centennial Commemorative Project Office by e-mail
(agr-kinen★agr.kyushu-u.ac.jp) or FAX (092-802-4541).We will later mail you a bank transfer request form with the bank account information for the transfer.
 Donation Application Form (Application Method and Process)
※Donations by individuals and corporations are deductible for income and inhabitant taxes on tax returns.
※Please change ★ to @ in your e-mail address.

〇List of Contributing Companies
 List of Corporate Donations

〇Nameplate Installation and Standards
We will laser-engrave the names of donors on a wooden plaque, which will be displayed in the commemorative building or in the building of the Faculty of Agriculture, etc.
The names of donors will be laser-engraved on a wood plaque and displayed in the memorial building or in the building of the Faculty of Agriculture.The nameplate at the university headquarters is for donors of 100,000 yen or more, but for the 100th anniversary of the Faculty of Agriculture, we plan to include the names of all donors in order to recognize the many people who have contributed to the project. We would like to use a large font and different colors for large donations (200,000 yen or more for individuals and 500,000 yen or more for corporations and organizations).

We hope to complete the commemorative building by the end of this fiscal year, and we would greatly appreciate your numerous support.